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The Cross Of Life
The Cross Of Life

The Cross Of Life


The Background Of The Lord’s Prayer – Part Two

The Cross Of Life

Re-establishing our inner connection with the spirit of the Universal Christ is the birthright of every human child of the Earth. Our task as aspiring healers and lightbringers is the building of a new bridge of love between Heaven and Earth, God and all of humankind. And I hope my version of the Lord’s Prayer will help you to do this. True prayers from our heart and soul invite the stream of the Great Father/Mother’s eternal love, wisdom and truth to fill our whole being. From there it can then flow into the farthest and remotest corners of Creation. This spiritual power gradually transforms Mother Earth into a planet of healing and peace. Ignorance and fear are the two greatest evils of our world, which to this day are hindering this development. May the living waters of the Highest Mind, Its wisdom and truth, cleanse and purify our consciousness and that of our world.

May our new understanding of God’s great plan of life help us to dissolve and get rid of these evils, once and for all. Like all truly great ideas, this plan is ingeniously simple. It works as follows: every human spirit who enters earthly life for the first time is like a blank slate on which nothing has been written before. We are like newly born infants who have just left the warmth and security of our mother’s womb. Never having experienced Earth life before, all we know is that which is happening around us. We have already absorbed the influences on our mother through her bloodstream and nervous system. So that we should become familiar with the deepest and darkest aspects of our own nature and humankind’s in general, we are born into environments where they can be explored. The people around us are our only teachers and by copying their behaviour, we learn and become ever more like them.

This is what’s happening to the young and inexperienced souls who are sharing earthly life with us at present. Witnessing the uninhibited killing, maiming and the sadistic infliction of suffering of the grownups around them, as soon as they are old enough they want to be accepted as full members of society. Wishing to be like the others, these young souls have precious little choice but joining those around them in their thinking and activities. This places them into polar opposition to old and experienced souls who are in the process of developing their Christ nature. This means learning to love wisely, the way God loves all of us, His/Her children of the Earth, without exception. Each can only find out through their own experiences the truth of the saying that love understands all and because of it forgives all.

When we forgive our younger siblings for their trespasses, because we love them as children of God and our siblings in the family of humankind and all life, this does not mean we are condoning their deeds. But, considering what the future has in store for these youngsters, including reincarnating onto a much less evolved planet than the Earth, don’t you think that forgiveness and tolerance, compassion and love are more in place than anything else? No matter what age someone’s physical body may be, the one inhabiting it can nonetheless be a young soul. You don’t have to be an Angel who is watching in the background of our existence to tell a young soul from an old one. Their actions and reactions to people and situations in daily life tell us this much more easily than anything else.

Old souls know that the Universal laws ensure that any kind of suffering we inflict upon others during any stage of our development does eventually return to us, if not in this lifetime then in a future one. Yet, they are also aware that our Creator’s love and wisdom sees to it that this should only happen when our earthly self has grown strong enough to shoulder the cross we ourselves created in the ignorance of our innocence. The cross of life we are all carrying around with us is our earthly personality with all its flaws and imperfections, weaknesses as well as strengths.

However, that is not the way God created us. The small earthly self was developed by none other than us, not in just one lifetime but many. In previous ones this part of our being produced the hurdles and obstacles we now have to struggle with and try to overcome in our daily lives. Every bit of the Karmic debts one of us ever incurred in one of their lifetimes will eventually be presented for settlement and redemption, of that we can be sure, even though to come about may take a thousand lifetimes ahead. The Creator’s wisdom provides that by this time we shall be sufficiently evolved to ask the Angels for their help. We shall know that they are constantly with us and that, in spite of the fact that they can and will not do our work for us, all we have to do is humbly request their support. For anyone who asks, they are always willing to give sufficient strength and courage to deal with what has to be faced.

Whatever my fate still has in store for me and any pain and suffering I have to endure as a result, it comforts me to know that every bit of it serves the wise higher purpose of teaching me the nature of suffering. Through our own suffering the characteristics of our Christ nature begin to stir from their slumber. At the sight of someone’s else’s, human and animal alike, we now have a good idea of what they are going through. And that arouses feelings of compassion and love for them, as well as for everyone else who is afflicted in some way and anyone who is less well off in life than we are. This is usually accompanied by a deep inner urge to somehow bring relief of some kind.

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28 Jun, 2019
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5 mins
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