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The Divine Healing Rays
The Divine Healing Rays

The Divine Healing Rays


The Divine Healing Rays

The following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides. It reached me through the Lodge’s Monday Thought 17.4.2017: ‘If your inner vision were developed sufficiently, you would be able to observe the distribution, direction and infusion of the rays of God’s healing power. Although they are invisible to earthly eyes, their energies are always available to anyone. They are constantly at work throughout the whole of Creation and are strengthened considerably when someone asks for healing, for themselves as well as for others.

‘The Angel in charge of the healing group and the one at the head of the group known as ‘the Lords of Karma’ closely co-operate with each other. The former knows where someone is asking for healing and the latter decides in what form it should be given. The outcome of any such requests depends entirely on the patient’s Karma. The conclusions of the leading Angels of both groups are passed onto the Healing Angels, who at all times are carrying out the instructions that are given to them. It is up to the two Angels in charge whether a healing miracle might be justified. They are responsible for bringing them into being – to the astonishment of your world, where very few have an idea how they come about.

‘As most of you, aspiring healers and non-healers alike, to this day are unable to access the Karmic records, it would be impossible for you to use the healing rays correctly. We suggest that whenever you are sending healing to someone in need of it, you tune the receiver/transmitter station of your earthly mind into the frequencies of the Angelic healing channels. This adjusts the vibrations of your thought processes to theirs, so that with the passing of time they become ever more compatible with the Angelic ones. Through this you gradually evolve into an ever greater force for the healing not only of individual patients, but of the whole of humankind.’

The essence of another teaching about the power of healing thoughts from the White Eagle group of spirit guides appeared with the title ‘White Eagle on Divine Mother – The Creation of Form’: ‘Sometimes, you may wonder how you might best help a friend in hospital or someone who is approaching death. We would like you to know that the power of thought is more effective than that of speech or written words. Best of all you can help anyone by sending them kind and optimistic, good and constructive thoughts. In your thoughts lift those who are suffering into the heartmind of the great Mother and Her Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ.

‘Keep on with your efforts because any healing rays that are projected from a distance are as effective – and even more so in many cases – than when they are physically ministered. Whenever someone is in the process of leaving their physical body behind, wise ones remind themselves that they are far from dying. There really is no need for excessive grieving and feeling sorry for anyone who is released into our world, because it is one of infinite beauty, love and joy. Human spirits and souls do not die and will never do so, they merely move into a different dimension of life.

‘As the great American poet wrote: ‘Death is the Angel sent who draws the unwilling bolt and sets the captive free’. That’s why, when the time for laying the physical body aside, there should be no grief. The spirit has merely passed from your earthly vision, but it is still near you. In love there can be no separation. The spirit of someone left behind merges with that of the spirit who is being released. The laws of harmony and union prevail and the two spirits and souls are joined into one. We agree that Earth life is a hard school, but you will find it much less so when you draw aside and dissolve the veil of consciousness that separated our world from yours in the past, and then continue to live consciously in the awareness of the limitlessness of spiritual life.’

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2 Apr, 2019
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3 mins
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