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The Egg’s Hatching
The Egg’s Hatching

The Egg’s Hatching


The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

Amazing Grace – Part Nine

Amazing Grace, how sweet it is to know that in Your realm there is no separation between anything and that all is one. Everything is for real and there is no faking and/or pretending. And what we earthlings like to think of as our most secret thoughts, words and actions, on Your plane it is as if we were shouting them from the rooftops. It’s no secret there what kind of a creature will eventually emerge from the ideas that You and the Angels deposit from time to time in the nest of humankind’s consciousness. You know who is going to hatch which egg, what the product of any of them will be and after what length of time the truth about it is going to emerge.

The Jesus legend provides us with one of the finest examples of how this process manifests itself in our world. Before this tale ever appeared, You and the Angels had decided that it should first be used by the propaganda machinery of a political organisation that had its seat in Rome. Skilfully handled by the scribes it employed, the life story of the Master Jesus would be suitable for helping them to continue their empire-building and warmongering efforts. Untrue fear-inducing stories were woven into the Jesus legend and all together they were presented as if they were literally true.

This is how stories about Heaven and hell, God and the devil came about, even though they never existed the way each new religion’s teachings insisted was literally true. Never mind that they only ever were products of someone’s imagination, they were good for separating the easily frightened people of the Earth from as much as possible of their earthly resources. Money and land possessions were particularly desirable.

The pretence that every word of their teachings is literally true, turned every new religion that appeared in our world into one of its most lethal and evil instrument ever. From the emergence of every new religion, its leaders used this tool most skilfully for setting people and nations against each other, so they did not hesitate to go to war and kill each other, in spite of the fact that the Old Testament’s commandment of ‘Thou shalt not kill!’ The Old Testament is shared by the Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

Alas, all these things were necessary for teaching every one of us earthlings the value of honesty and truth. When we had been without them for long enough, we surely would appreciate and treasure them when, in times to come, they at last returned to our world. Amazing Grace, thanks be that this time has come and for allowing us to know that higher esoteric wisdom and truths have always been hiding behind just about every one of or world’s myths and legends, including the one of the Master Jesus’ life.

What a long time we had to wait until the Aquarian age, the age of truth, came round and began to reveal ever more of God’s sacred wisdom and truth to anyone who was looking for it. That’s how ever more of the truth behind the surface words of Jesus tale have already emerged. Thanks be to God and the Angels for telling us that, if we wait in all Eternity, no saviour and redeemer will ever appear and wave some kind of magic wand to save us and redeem all karmic debts that, in the course of many earthly lifetimes, have accumulated in everybody’s spiritual ledger. The only one who really can save and redeem us is our own higher God or Christ nature. Its characteristics need to be brought forth, by each one of us, from deep within our own being. The more they are used in all earthly encounters, the more peaceful and pleasant a place our world becomes for all manifestations of life that are sharing it with us.

That’s how the Christ spirit can and will eventually reveal itself as the saviour and redeemer of each one of us, the whole of humankind and our world. Everybody can only learn through their own experiences that it cannot come about through any kind of outside influence. This is because Jesus is not a historical person who once walked in our midst. He merely represents every human being’s higher God or Christ nature, whose characteristics are that which is best, highest and noblest in humankind’s nature. It exists in every one of us, even though at first only in seed form. Every one of us is required to bring these qualities forth from the depths of their own being. The more another one of us applies them to anything that exists on the earthly plane, the less need there will be for tears to flow there.

Joseph Goebbels (1897-1945), the Nazi regime’s propaganda minister, said: If you tell a lie that’s big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all its powers to repress dissent, as the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and therefore by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.’

This is what happened with the Jesus legend and all other similar tales before them. Each one represented a new idea that like an egg was placed in the nest of humankind’s consciousness by God and the Angels. One of these stories was a rumour that one fine day a man would appear in our world who had the power of saving and redeeming every human being, the whole of humankind and its world. All people had to do was believe that he really existed. This tale had been doing the rounds for a long time, when Christianity’s story of Jesus as the saviour and redeemer of humankind appeared.

For a better understanding of what really happened, I warmly recommend the following books by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy: 1) ‘The Jesus Mysteries – Was the Original Jesus a Pagan God?’ 2) ‘Jesus and the Lost Goddess’ and 3) ‘The Laughing Jesus – Religious Lies And Gnostic Wisdom’. Apart from each one of these books being a good read, they are mines of valuable information about much of our world’s religious background. They show that there never has been anything new under the Sun in the sky above our world, and how the early leaders of the Christian religion were merely walking in the footsteps of previous belief systems.

Following their example was all the pharma industry had to do to successfully launch it’s ‘plandemic’. And if it’s cause really were a virus, it should be renamed FEAR. The whole experience is very similar to the one that no Jesus or Buddha ever existed on the earthly plane. Both were merely legends. And just like the God-man was part of the methods used by the Christian religion’s propaganda machinery to frighten the living daylights out of the masses, so they could easily be exploited and relieved of as much as possible of their resources, that’s how the pharma industry brought about our world’s present state. Amazing Grace, thanks and praise be to You for allowing us to know that all these things were necessary, that they have been and still are essential parts of teaching humankind the value of honesty and truth.

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13 May, 2021
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