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The Emperor’s New Clothes
The Emperor’s New Clothes

The Emperor’s New Clothes


The Latest On Covid-19

Update 28th December 2020

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth . . .

1) ‘Irish Government Admits: COVID-19 Does NOT Exist.’ Published December 26, 2020

Do you remember Hans Christian Anderson, the Danish story teller’s ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’? At the end of this tale a small child, whose innocence had not yet been touched by the lies and deceptions of the adult world around it, looks at the Emperor and sees that he is not wearing anything. When asked how it likes the emperor’s new clothes, it is the only one who tells the truth and shouts: ‘The Emperor is in the altogether!’

This story came to mind when the above link about the Republic of Ireland’s statement came my way. Three cheers for the country that’s small enough to courageously step into the frontline of our world’s scenery of lying, cheating and corruption, speaking the truth with a blessed childlike innocence.

2) The following is from the comments section of a publication in the Freedom of Information from Health, Safety and Environment that was published online with Canada Health, Public Health England and Centres For Disease Control Freedom Of Information:

‘I have a PhD in virology and immunology. I’m a clinical lab scientist and have tested 1500 “supposed” positive Covid 19 samples collected here in S. California. When my lab team and I did the testing through Koch’s postulates and observation under a SEM (scanning electron microscope), we found NO Covid in any of the 1500 samples. What we found was that all of the 1500 samples were mostly Influenza A and some were influenza B, but not a single case of Covid, and we did not use the B.S. PCR test. We then sent the remainder of the samples to Stanford, Cornell, and a few of the University of California labs and they found the same results as we did, NO COVID. They found influenza A and B. All of us then spoke to the CDC and asked for viable samples of COVID, which CDC said they could not provide as they did not have any samples.

‘We have now come to the firm conclusion through all our research and lab work, that the COVID 19 was imaginary and fictitious. The flu was called Covid and most of the 225,000 dead were dead through co-morbidities such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, emphysema etc. and they then got the flu which further weakened their immune system and they died. I have yet to find a single viable sample of Covid 19 to work with.

‘We at the 7 universities that did the lab tests on these 1500 samples are now suing the CDC for Covid 19 fraud. the CDC has yet to send us a single viable, isolated and purifed sample of Covid 19. If they can’t or won’t send us a viable sample, I say there is no Covid 19, it is fictitious. The four research papers that do describe the genomic extracts of the Covid 19 virus never were successful in isolating and purifying the samples. All the four papers written on Covid 19 only describe small bits of RNA which were only 37 to 40 base pairs long which is NOT A VIRUS. A viral genome is typically 30,000 to 40,000 base pairs. With as bad as Covid is supposed to be all over the place, how come no one in any lab world wide has ever isolated and purified this virus in its entirety? That’s because they’ve never really found the virus, all they’ve ever found was small pieces of RNA which were never identified as the virus anyway.

So what we’re dealing with is just another flu strain like every year, COVID 19 does not exist and is fictitious. I believe China and the globalists orchestrated this COVID hoax (the flu disguised as a novel virus) to bring in global tyranny and a worldwide police totalitarian surveillance state, and this plot included a massive election fraud.’

The question comes to mind about the Covid testing that’s taking place everywhere in our world at present. Who is benefitting from supplying whatever is needed for these tests and who is paying for them? The second part of the question is easy! Whether we agree with the testing of not, the money for them comes out of the pockets of us taxpayers. No government has any money of its own. For the first part of the answer follow the link below:

3) ‘Big Pharma and Big Profits: The Multibillion Dollar Vaccine Market.’

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28 Dec, 2020
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