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The Feminine – Soul Of Your World - Part One
The Feminine – Soul Of Your World - Part One

The Feminine – Soul Of Your World - Part One


Looking At The Year 2020 – Part Forty

There’s None So Blind . . .

The following was inspired by a White Eagle group of spirit guides teaching that a long time ago came my way through the White Eagle Lodge’s ‘The Lightbringer – Developing the Feeling Nature’. It’s update was finished on the 2nd July 2020, the day of the weeks that is ruled by the Great Mother, when the Sun was moving through Cancer, the zodiac’s caring and nurturing sign that is also ruled by Her.

‘An essential part of your development, when the end of your earthly education draws near, is re-establishing your inner connection with God. You will find that with your intellect alone this is impossible. You also need to experience yourself as a spirit/soul who, through the world of its feelings, is taking part in another earthly lifetime to find out more about itself and its environment. The Aquarian age is the age of truth. It is bringing humankind the recognition that the Godhead of the whole of Creation consists of a Divine Trinity that has always consisted of the Great Father/Mother and their only born Son/Daughter the Universal Christ, who is the Sun of all suns and the light of all lights. They always have been and forever will be the supreme rulers of the whole of Creation and therefore also of the earthly plane.

‘For a better understanding of this, we need to reach out a bit further. The first creative impulse is the masculine God or Great Father of all life. The second one is his counterpart, the feminine Goddess or Great Mother. In close co-operation the two express and manifest themselves with the help of the third impulse, masculine/feminine the Universal Christ. Everything in the whole of Creation, on all its levels, was brought into being by the partnership of the first and second impulse, working together and responding to each other peacefully and harmoniously, through the third impulse. In every boy or man of your world the masculine aspect of his nature is conscious and its feminine counterpart unconscius. Each one of the main women in his life, like his mother, partner or wife is an outer manifestation of his inner woman. For girls and women it works the other way round. Because every one of you is already whole, you do not really need others to make you that way.

‘Being part of God, every human being’s spirit/soul is immortal and just like God can and will never die. But for a long as this part of your nature unloved and is not nurtured and cared for, merely you do not know about its existence, its development stands still. Spiritual muscles are like physical ones. If they are not used regularly, they lose their usefulness. Use it or lose it! Unless your spirit/soul’s requirements are regularly attended to, this part of you goes to sleep and remains that way until you do something about it. The small still voice of your inner guidance, the wise one or living God within, is always trying to communicate with every one of you through the world of your feelings.

‘The voice belongs to the Great Mother. She knows the way of all things and has the answers to any question you may ever care to ask because She is part of everything that exists in the whole of Creation. She is the storehouse for the soul memories of all worlds and every individual soul within them. Not only are they stored in the Mother, they are also constantly feeding into Her. That’s how any knowledge that was ever gained anywhere during the long evolutionary journey of the whole of Creation found its way to Her. She is so wise and loves you so much that initially on your own journey She has always been showing you the way. Alas, if at some point of your development your feeling world went to sleep, you would have been unable to hear Her and follow Her advice because she was no longer available to you.

‘This is what came to pass in your world during the approx. six thousand years of patriarchy, with its all-male religions that encourage the masculine to dominate the feminine. Fortunately, this stage of humankind’s development by now lies well behind you. But to this day your world is struggling with re-balancing the unnatural state that was created by the patriarchal religions. We are glad to tell you that the withdrawal of the feminine influence from the Godhead was not meant to last forever. It was a temporary state that in any case only existed on the outer physical plane of life. Nothing of this kind will ever happen on the inner level, because the Great Father/Mother are one and inseparable. The wise higher purpose of withdrawing the feminine was to demonstrate to your world what happens to it when without the feminine’s softening, beautifying and civilising influence.

‘Up to the middle ages there were still many on the earthly plane who did not believe in the strange and unnatural all-male Godhead. As non-believers and heretics, they were mercilessly persecuted and wiped out. For a long time the patriarchal religions ruled your world with an iron rod and teachings that had been carefully designed to spread fear. Exploiting the masses and making them part with their earthly resources for the purpose of increasing the churches’ wealth was made easy that way. The beliefs, prejudices and superstitions that were part of their teachings were declared to be literally true and that created a barrier of fear on the inner level of their followers.

‘Being exposed to this kind of treatment for several lifetimes eventually made it impossible for them to access the Great Mother’s wisdom through the world of their feelings, so that they could no longer receive Her guidance. This is how a barrier of fear consisting of many layers of soul memories that were piled upon people’s initial natural inner connection with and their knowledge with their Creator. Now that humankind has been kept away from discovering the truth about its Divine parents for long enough, for every one of you the time has come for attending to their inner blockage and removing it. This is a process that can be likened to the peeling of an onion. To enable you to reconnect with God, layer upon layer of fear needs to be shed, so that a new understanding of who and what God truly can come to you.

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2 Jul, 2020
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