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The Great Plan Or Book Of Life
The Great Plan Or Book Of Life

The Great Plan Or Book Of Life


From ‘Wisdom Grown On The Tree Of Life’

The book of life is brief,
And once a page is read,
All but love is dead.
That is my belief.

From ‘And I Love You So’
Don McLean

• The experiences of all past, present and future earthly lifetimes are written in God’s great plan of life, also known as the book of life. There is a small one for every individual human being and this in turn is part of the Great Plan/Book of life for the whole of Creation and our world. Everybody’s lessons for each earthly sojourn are determined by these books. This shows that we are always in the right place, at the right time and with the right people. That’s how each one of us is always taking part in their predestined lessons, whilst attending to some of their outstanding karmic debts that have accumulated in their spiritual bank account.

• Every human being’s earthly lifetime is part of the progress that always has been and forever will be moving humankind, individually and collectively, steadily forwards and upwards on the great evolutionary spiral of life. Each one through their own experiences is constantly growing in wisdom and understanding of themselves, the world around us, the true nature of God and our own.

• We are taking part in the earthly school of our own free will. Nobody forces us to do so. Yet, whenever we return to the world of spirit at the end of each lifetime, we realise that the essence of our being is spirit/soul and that they are, like God, eternal and immortal. Once more we know that, if we ever wish to reach the end of our apprenticeship as a young God in the making, there is nothing for it but applying for another earthly lifetime. The experiences of each new one are based on the thinking and behaviour patterns we developed and brought with us from previous lifetimes and the choices we made in those days.

• This is how it comes about that, a long time before appearing once more on the earthly plane, together with the wise ones in charge of us, we look at what kind of a lifetime is going to benefit our evolutionary pathway most. We ourselves decide which one is likely to provide us with sufficient opportunities for spiritual growth through consciousness expanding experiences that help us grow in wisdom and understanding. The many challenges, tests and tribulations that are part of every human being’s pathway through each one of their earthly lifetimes in truth are essential ingredients of these journeys.

• During our times in the spirit realm, humankind’s true home, we appreciate that without difficulties our wisdom and understanding would never expand, the way all of God’s children of the Earth are predestined to do. Nothing enters our lives by accident, happens perchance or is a coincidence. Everything comes our way for the wise higher reason of teaching us something. All experiences appear in a purposeful and orderly manner, as soon as we have spiritually matured enough to be able to cope with them. That’s how every one of us is constantly moving forwards and upwards on their very own evolutionary spiral of life, as well as that of the whole of humankind and our world.

• All who, at any given time, are taking part in earthly life are destined to make their own valuable contribution to the state of our world. Everybody is gifted in some special way and we have been granted the gift of our present lifetime so that, if our special talent has not yet risen to the surface of our conscious mind, with the passing of time it is likely to reveal itself.

• The love and wisdom of the Great Father/Mother of all life, together with the Angels and Masters on the highest levels of life, as well as all other spirit friends and helpers, are constantly with us. Although none of them can be seen by earthly eyes, rest assured that they are there. They cannot do our spiritual work for us, but they are constantly trying to protect and guide us through every experience, as much as it’s sensible for easing our way through the lessons we have agreed to take part in.

• There comes a time in every human being’s development when we realise that the efforts of our friends and helpers on the higher and highest levels of life always have and forever will have only our best at heart. This is also true for the whole of humankind and our world. Therefore, when problems arise let’s not look for purely personal solutions. First consider the Divine principles that brought them into being and why things are happening, what wise higher purpose they might be serving.

• All earthly minds are receiver/transmitter stations for ideas from the Highest levels of life that are constantly flowing into our world. Reflections of this nature tune our mind into their frequencies and a solution may come to us intuitively that is fair and just not only for life on the earthly plane but everything that exists in the whole of Creation.

• All together let’s sing the praises of the Divine Trinity of the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ. S/He is the highest Star and the brightest Light in the whole of Creation, the Sun behind and beyond the Sun in the sky above our world. Every human being contains a spark of this light, even though at first only in seed form.

• All glory, honour and praise be to You for creating the visible and invisible parts of every human being, in both part of our world. The essence of our being is spirit/soul and they are eternal and immortal. Like You, they can and never will die. O wonder, every cell and atom of our physical bodies, the same as everything else in the whole of Creation, was brought about by You, O Great Father/Mother of all life, from this Great Light.

Each time our earthly existence has run its course, the essence of our being, our eternal and immortal spirit/soul, goes home for rest and recuperation from the stresses and strains, tests and trials of earthly life. The earthly personality we have developed up to that point we leave behind. It has been but a mask behind which our true higher nature has been hiding. We strip it off similar to a costume that was only meant to be worn for one particular role in that lifetime.

Every rebirth onto the earthly plane is the beginning of another role we have agreed to play, because it will help us take part in the lessons we most urgently need. Unaware of what we are doing, we pick up our old personality up and get going. Each new lifetime is influenced by our environment and that is constantly adding something to our old character traits. Safely stored in the subconscious part of our being, they accompany us from one lifetime into the other. Through our responses to the world around we work on developing our earthly personality some more. Each new lifetime offers opportunities for building up and increasing its strengths and, hopefully, overcoming and leaving behind ever more of our weaknesses.

The roles we play during every one of our earthly sojourns are very similar to play-acting in schools on the earthly plane. Each role we play during all our lifetimes are cast off like masks or costumes. As they were only needed for taking part in certain lessons and are of no other value, we just leave them behind. The only things that stay with us in all Eternity is what living on the earthly plane has taught us, the way we have grown in wisdom and understanding. Everything that once was evil and ugly, in our character and our world, through this process has steadily evolved into something that is good, right and beautiful. When at last we have reached the end of our earthly education, we realise that every one of our earthly lifetimes has been but one page in the great book of our own life. Only love remains, everything else is no more.

Updated 3rd June 2021

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30 Apr, 2022
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