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The Greatest Deceptions Ever!
The Greatest Deceptions Ever!

The Greatest Deceptions Ever!


Freely, Freely You Have Received

The Age Of Aquarius : Age Of Truth – Part One

Freely, freely you have received,
Freely, freely now give.
Go in My name and because you know
And understand who and what I truly am,
Others can do so, too.

Carol Owens 1972
Adapted by Aquarius
February 2021

George Orwell wrote: ‘The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.’ And this is what Mark Twain thought: ‘It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.’ That’s why today I have come to share with you the truth behind some of the greatest deceptions and lies that for a long time have been the most serious obstacles on the road of humankind’s spiritual development. Together we shall look at some of the most important ones as follows:

• ‘You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.’ John 8:32 True. Every word of the Bible is from God and therefore literally true. Untrue! The truth, in the form of higher esoteric meaning, has always been hiding behind the surface words of your world’s religious teachings. For a long time, that’s where they remained, but the Aquarian age is the age of truth. The deeper you and your world are moving into this age, the more of you will find their way into its freedom. It consists of believing what the wise one or living God within you, your inner guidance, tells you is true, irrespective of what may be written somewhere or what anybody else may say. The beginning of this freedom is discovering who and what I truly am, who and what every one of you is, and what kind of a relationship all of you have always had with Me, in spite of the fact that for a long time you did not know about it.

• I am the Great Father/Mother of all life and My great evolutionary plan for the Earth and humankind decrees that through some of the greatest deceptions and lies that have ever been experienced in your world, humankind should be taught the value of honesty and truth. When the right age for them to return has been reached, these qualities will gradually re-establish themselves. Since your entry into the Aquarian age that’s been happening with steadily increasing force. True!

• The Divine Trinity consists of the Great Father, his only born son Jesus, who sits at the Father’s right hand side and the Holy Ghost. Untrue! Jesus was immaculately conceived by a virgin called Mary, who gave birth to him in a stable surrounded by animals. For all times she will remain seated below Father and Son to serve them. Untrue! Approx. six thousand years of patriarchy with its dominance of the masculine over the feminine have been the greatest deception that was ever experienced in your world. God and Goddess are equal partners in the creative process. Lovingly they respond to each other. The masculine provides the ideas and the love and wisdom of the feminine decides which ideas should be used, where and when. By slowing down the vibrations of the Christ light to the right frequency, matter appears. And that’s how God and Goddess harmoniously working together have always brought everything that exists on the earthly plane into being. This will forever continue.

• The false beliefs of your world’s religions have been our instruments for helping humankind to become familiar with the darkest and most evil aspects of human nature. These beliefs encouraged those in leadership positions to abuse their power by dominating their religion’s followers and relieving them as much as possible of their earthly resources, especially money. That’s why in some of your lifetimes, you generously handed out the suffering this caused. And each time My law of cause and effect returned such actions to you, you were the one who suffered. For a well balanced earthly education it’s essential that each one of you spends some of your lifetimes hurting, wounding and exploiting people, while in others you are on the receiving end of what you once did to others.

• Jesus is a historical figure who once walked on the Earth. Untrue! Jesus is a symbolism that represents every human being’s higher God or Christ nature. True! The tale of his life is literally true. Untrue! The story is a mere legend. It was inspired by Me and the Angels to tell humankind in picture-book format about the initiations every human being experiences, in the course of many lifetimes of taking part in the earthly school of life’s lessons. The state of your initial ignorance of your true higher God or Christ nature is described by the birth of the Christ child and no room at the inn. The story ends with the God-man, everybody’s lower nature, bleeding to death on the cross of its earthly existence, so that your spirit nature can rise and take over completely.

• Jesus was conceived immaculately by the Virgin Mary. Not literally. Immaculate conception means that the idea of the Christ spirit to come alive on the earthly plane has its origin on the highest levels of life, in My mind.

• Jesus was born in a stable, surrounded by animals. Not literally. A long, long time ago, the idea of placing a tiny spark of the Universal Christ’s light in every human being’s heart came forth from My mind. The stable is a symbolism for the most humble place on the Earth: the human heart. And the animals surrounding the child’s crib represent the lower animal nature of the leaders of your world’s religions.

• Heaven and hell are places where people go, either when they follow one of the other of our world’s religions or refuse to believe in them. Untrue! Heaven and hell are states of consciousness that every human being has the power of creating, for themselves and those around them.

• Every one of you is a miserable worm and sinner. Untrue! All of you, without exception, are My beloved children of the Earth. And I am the Great Father/Mother of all life and our only born Son/Daughter is the Universal Christ Spirit’s Light. This is the Light of all lights and the Sun of all suns, the Sun behind and shining through its physical manifestation in the sky above your world.

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4 Jul, 2021
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