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The Iconoclastic Aquarian Energies
The Iconoclastic Aquarian Energies

The Iconoclastic Aquarian Energies


The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation – Part Eighteen

The sign Aquarius and the eleventh house, its natural domain, are co-ruled by the planets Saturn and Uranus. Saturn represents the stern and undeviating schoolmaster aspect of our Divine parents’ nature. Before any one of us can safely be released into the freedom of the Aquarian age, our thinking and behaviour patterns have to prove that we have achieved self-discipline through mastering and overcoming the drives and urges of our lower earthly being. Because of the iconoclastic nature of the Uranian energies this is essential. They are most helpful when it comes to shedding the ballast of the false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions which the old and by now outdated belief systems have planted deep into our race’s individual and collective consciousness. But the deeper we move into the Aquarian age, this is bound to gradually become easier for all of us.

Basically, there is nothing wrong with the old belief systems. They are only outdated for as long as one misinterprets them as being literally true, when nothing could be further from the truth. You will be surprised to find how any one of the tales and legends that God and the Angels from time to time gave to our world can come alive. They quite happily reveal the higher esoteric meanings that, for wise educational reasons, for a long time had to remain hidden behind their surface words. Of particular interest to us and our world is the story of the life and times of the Master Jesus.

Now that the age of truth is with us, it is becoming ever more widely known that Jesus never was a historical figure who once walked the Earth. He is a symbolism of the God and Christ nature that exists in every human being, even though for a long time merely in seedform. The Master Jesus always was and to this day remains a thoughtform that was created by God and the Angels for the wise higher purpose of teaching our world values like honesty and truth, loyalty and integrity. The infinite wisdom, patience and love of the Great Father/Mother has always taught us children of the Earth the value of things by first providing us with them, then temporarily withholding them and later returning them to us. The length of this process depends on how important the lessons are for us and our world.

The six thousand years of patriarchy with its testosterone-driven all-male religions, which fortunately by now have just about run their course, is probably the finest example of how something of this nature manifests itself on the earthly plane. The patriarchy has been a valuable teaching aid for the Highest Forces of life. We were shown what happens when the masculine aggression and lust for powerseeking and empire building is allowed to rule our world and express itself in ever more destructive warmongering. The feminine with its loving, caring and nurturing qualities is the masculine’s natural counterpart throughout the whole of Creation. And that’s how all of us, in the course of many lifetimes, each through their own experiences, were taught how our world reacts when the balancing and civilising influence of the feminine is withdrawn.

Aided and abetted by the old religions, the patriarchy created endless opportunities so that every one of God’s children of the Earth could find out first hand, sometimes at the giving end by handing the ugly and nasty traces of their earthly nature out, and in other lifetimes finding themselves at their receiving end, how the characteristics of humankind’s unevolved lower and lowest nature express themselves in earthly life. That’s been the Great Father/Mother’s way of teaching us lovingly and with endless patience the value of the best and noblest characteristics of our God or Christ nature. For a long time they are slumbering in every human being’s innermost self. How much of this part of their nature we ourselves thus far have developed depends on the point we have reached at any given moment on our individual evolutionary journey.

But let’s return to Aquarius for a moment. The astrological symbol of this sign is the Waterbearer and that is a man who holds a bowl in his arms from which water is flowing. This sign does not belong to – as many believe to this day – the Water element but to that of the Air. The Water signs are dedicated to the development of humankind’s emotional world, while the Air signs are doing the same for the intellectual capabilities of our earthly minds. Aquarius represents the Great Universal mind, of which everyone’s earthly mind is an integral part. It’s good to know that we are in the process of leaving behind the emotionalism of the Piscean age – Water at its most fluid. At present our physical bodies consist predominantly of water, but with the passing of time this is going to change into air and light. As a result of this, the spoken and written word is going to gradually disappear from our world. It will be replaced by thought transmissions, the spirit realm’s method of communication. Every human spirit/soul belongs to and is an integral part of that world.

The monumental adjustments and changes these transformations demand from us and why they are necessary by no means merely apply to the selected few. They concern everybody and we are all involved. And because many have no idea of what is expected of us and our world, it is hardly surprising that breakdowns are very common, on the public scene as well as in individual lives. By the way, I believe that the reason for the present severe over-crowding of our world is due to the fact that all those who are sufficiently evolved and therefore agreed, before entering into their present lifetime, to take part in humankind’s rebirth are either already here or will be appearing shortly. However, this state of affairs will not go on forever. It will continue up to a certain point and then the birth rates will quite naturally go down to manageable levels again. The timing of when this will come about is known to the Highest Forces only.

Also, I believe that every crisis that anyone in our world has to endure is an outcry of our collective spirit/soul to those in charge of us in the spirit realm to come to our help. They know the way of all things and are equipped with the ability to guide and show us how we can free our race from the emotional baggage of past times through which we and our world became ever more materialistically orientated. Undoubtedly, this has too been for the wise higher reason of teaching us and our world another valuable lesson. But signs are emerging everywhere that this part of our race’s development is waiting to be left behind.

There is every reason for being glad and rejoicing because the saddest part of our evolutionary journey is over and the age of enlightenment and spiritual freedom truly is definitely with us. It is bringing us the freedom to believe what the dwelling place of our inner guidance of the wise one or living God within, our heart tells us is true and there is no longer any need to believe that the misinterpretations of our world’s sacred texts are true. In a nutshell that’s what the freedom of the Aquarian age means. Wise ones leave those who are as yet unready to comprehend such things to the beliefs that for the time being are dear to them. They rest safely in the knowledge that God and the Angels are showing every earthly self the way when their time for waking up from their spiritual slumber has come.

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27 Jul, 2021
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