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The Jesus Mysteries - Part One
The Jesus Mysteries - Part One

The Jesus Mysteries - Part One


The Most Famous Man Who Never Lived

• Towards the end of the year 2010 my attention was drawn to ‘The Jesus Mysteries – Was the Original Jesus a Pagan God?’ by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy and

• ‘Jesus and the Lost Goddess – The Secret Teachings of the Original Christians’, its follow-up. Gnostics were the original Christians who, with the passing of time, were brutally suppressed by the literalists. The deeper we move into the Aquarian age, the age of truth, the more of the Gnostic knowledge will be returning to us.

• And then, to my greatest delight, towards the end of the pandemic year 2020, I discovered another book by Freke and Gandy with the title ‘The Laughing Jesus – Religious Lies And Gnostic Wisdom.’ Resting safely in the knowledge that, with the help and will of God and the Angels, all things are possible and any condition can be healed, I hope and pray that our world’s present state will soon be reaching its natural – and yes, happy ending.

‘The Laughing Jesus’ first appeared in 2005 and that’s all I can tell you about it at present. I am very much looking forward to reading it. It follows on from where Freke and Gandy’s first two books finished. Both of them confirmed just about every one of the insights that for a long time had been coming to me intuitively about spiritual background of the Bible and the Jesus legend. Unlike me, the authors were devoted Christians when they started looking for the truth behind the surface words of the Christian teachings.

‘The Jesus Mysteries’ was first published in 1999. ‘Jesus and the Lost Goddess’ followed in 2001 – in the middle of Pluto’s transit through Sagittarius. As pointed out in the chapter ‘Pluto in Capricorn’, the Plutonian energies engage us and our world in the process of breaking down and then rebuilding the structures on which we all depend in more truthful and satisfying ways. The purging and cleansing effect of Pluto’s energies bring to the surface of our individual and collective consciousness that which once was hidden from public view and knowledge. Sagittarius is concerned with vast themes like the higher and highest education, religions and philosophies of our world, including the people who practise them, and the dissemination of their ideas through broadcasting and publishing.

It is not surprising that a flurry of other publications of a similar nature to those of Freke and Gandy appeared during the time of Pluto’s transit through Sagittarius. I read several of them and with each one my inner guidance told me that they were a load of nonsense. However, when it came to Freke and Gandy’s books, it nodded – so to speak – and told me that all of it made a great deal of sense. Each new chapter confirmed that they were indeed telling the truth.

The Freke and Gandy books are an education that, in my view, should not be missed by anyone. By sharing their considerable gifts with us, the authors have presented us and our world with two serious scholarly and meticulously researched works of the highest calibre. My inner guidance tells me loud and clear that they are telling the truth. To me, they are eminently suited to do so the way it revealed itself to them hidden behind many of the surface words of the Bible, especially the life story of the Master Jesus.

It was a great joy for me to discover their work about six years after the creation of Rays of Wisdom and several decades since I first became aware of and felt drawn to looking for and writing down the truth behind the words of the sacred texts of the various religions of our world and Christianity in particular.

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8 Dec, 2020
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