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Peace Be With You
Peace Be With You

Peace Be With You


Peace Be With You

May Divine peace fill your whole being,
within and without, today and forever.

May you be able to love and accept yourself,
just the way you are.

May you trust that you are always in the right place.

May you be aware of the infinite possibilities that
have their origin in trusting the basic goodness of your existence
and its Creator, the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life,
who constantly provides for all of everyone’s needs,
including yours.

May you use the gifts the Universe has bestowed upon you
for doing your share of making our world into
a more beautiful and peaceful place
for everything that shares it with us.

May you be able to give the full measure of the love
that is the most important part of your being,
to everything that comes your way.

May your soul enjoy the freedom of singing and dancing,
Praising and loving whatever comes your way,
every moment of each day and week, month and year
of your present lifetime
and whatever waits for you beyond.

And may God and the Angels bless you and keep you safe,
now and forever.


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About This Story
13 Apr, 2019
Read Time
<1 min
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