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The lottery

The lottery

By Chantal - 1 Review

It came in the mail, one early Wednesday morning. It was as though I hadn't forseen its arrival. I chuckled and thought to myself, how little chance of this I had had!

Last Friday I had been sitting in bed wondering, contemplating my future and what my fate would be. Out of a job as usual was I and paying my rent with benefits... What a hell of a life I thought to myself...

Then on Saturday morning I looked out of the window and saw the mist in the sky. I felt a change come over me as I put on my clothes and shoes and plodded down the stairs. Another morning, another day, another beginning to the unknown...

I felt my fingers on the pen, choosing my numbers meticulously... What chance had I? I thought to myself. I felt the shop assistant's fingertips touch my own as I handed over the change. Another day of hope, for a better life, come what may.....

I switched on the television, recklessly throwing the remote control on the floor. It was music to my ears, I couldn't believe it. I had won the lottery!

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6 Feb, 2021
Read Time
<1 min
4.0 (1 review)

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