Imagine somewhere in our world there were a competition in which the main prize is a magic bank account into which every day a deposit of £86,400 is placed. You would be allowed to spend it in whichever way you wish, within certain limitations. They are as follows:
• You may only spend the money and none of it can be transferred into other accounts.
• Everything you did not spend in the course of each day is gone at the end of it.
• At the stroke of midnight every day the bank transfers another £86,400 into your account. Any time this can end without a warning, the account is closed and you do not receive another penny.
What would you do if that happened to you? As you could not possibly spend such a lot of money on yourself each day, maybe after purchasing anything you ever wanted you would do the same for all your loved ones, possibly even for people you just meet in the street and do not know. Might you wish to spend every penny because you could be sure that your account would be replenished every day?
Do I hear you say: ‘No need to think about that. It’s a silly game that could never happen in real life.’ Well, as a matter of fact it is not a game but something that really takes place every day and that for each one of us. The account is our life and the currency in it is time. We are all winners without ever becoming aware that this is the case. This is how it works:
• At the stroke of midnight every day we receive 86,400 seconds of time – free of charge, as a gift from the Universe.
• There is no need to worry about the state of our account, because it is constantly replenished. Yet, it can be closed any time and sometimes without warning. It is always today. The notion of yesterday is part of the illusion of earthly life and has gone forever. Tomorrow in truth never comes.
• Any remaining seconds when we go to sleep at night are still ours and can be spent, but only on ourselves. In dreamtime our spirit and soul goes home to the spirit realm and our energies are replenished after the stresses and strains of earthly life. If we ask for it before dropping off to sleep, we can find healing and peace with the Angels. Every second spent in dreamstate is by no means wasted. The times there are very special and precious. The spirit world has always communicated with us through symbolisms and metaphors. Sometimes they appear in our dreams trying to help us find a better understanding of a situation.
So, what are you and I doing with the prize of 86,400 seconds received today? For many years I have been spending quite a portion of my daily quota on preparing this kind of thing for you, the members of my worldwide spiritual family. And if you gain something from my work and it helps you grow in wisdom and understanding of us and our world, I consider that part of my fortune well spent.
Come to think of it, aren’t the seconds we are given every day worth a great deal more than the same amount in pounds? Are they not precious beyond compare because not all the money in our whole world can get us even a fraction of one of them back? Therefore, from now on let’s think at least for a moment about the gift we are receiving each day anew from the Universe and give thanks and praise for it and make an effort to enjoy as much as possible what’s left of our seconds. And as time passes much more quickly than we usually realise, it’s a good idea to take good care of ourselves and our loved ones, being happy and thankful for the time we are allowed to spend together.
May every one of your days, minutes and seconds be filled with a deep appreciation of this part of the beauty and wonder of the Great Father/Mother’s Creation. Start spending your gift consciously and wisely and refuse to complain about growing old, as many never get to know the experience of so many seconds in their present lifetime.
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