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The Miracle Unfolds
The Miracle Unfolds

The Miracle Unfolds


Looking At The Year 2020 – Part Twenty-Seven

Good Morning, Starshine – Part Three

On the 17th May 2020 my attention was drawn to the following: The Coronavirus could ‘burn out naturally’ so a vaccine is no longer needed, a former World Health Organisation director has claimed, as the Government announces it is dedicating more than £90m to an inoculation development centre. Professor Karol Sikora, an oncologist and chief medical officer at Rutherford Health, said it is likely that the British public has more immunity than was previously thought and Covid-19 could end up ‘petering out by itself’. ‘There is a real chance that the virus will burn out naturally before any vaccine is developed,’ he wrote on his social media profile yesterday. ‘We are seeing a roughly similar pattern everywhere. I suspect we have more immunity than estimated. We need to keep slowing the virus, but it could be petering out by itself.’

Professor Sikora’s comments come as Alok Sharma, the Business Secretary, today (Sunday) announced that the Government would be investing £93m in the construction of the UK’s first dedicated Vaccine Manufacturing and Innovation Centre (VMIC), to be opened in summer next year, 12 months ahead of schedule. A further £38m is being invested in creating a rapid deployment facility in the coming weeks, with the aim of ensuring any successful vaccine developed can be quickly distributed. The VMIC, located on the Harwell Science and Innovation Campus in Oxfordshire, will have the capacity to produce enough vaccine doses to serve the entire UK population in as little as six months, the Government has said.

Sir Mark Walport, chief executive of UK Research and Innovation, described the VMIC as an ‘essential new weapon in the UK’s arsenal’ which will provide a boost in the race to develop a vaccine by scientists at the University of Oxford and Imperial College London. Mr Sharma said we need to be ready to ‘manufacture a vaccine by the millions’ when the breakthrough comes, and this funding will help make that happen.

The VMIC’s chief executive, Dr Matthew Duchars, added: ‘This investment will rapidly accelerate the construction of the facility, enabling us to bring it online a year sooner. In addition, the capacity will be significantly increased, so that enough vaccines could be made for everyone in the UK within a matter of months of opening.’

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has previously admitted that an effective Coronavirus vaccine may never be found. Speaking at the Downing Street briefing on Monday evening Mr Johnson said: ‘This is by no means guaranteed. I believe I’m right in saying that even after 18 years we still don’t have a vaccine for Sars. What I can tell you is that the UK is at the forefront of concerting international activity to try to deliver a vaccine.’

Recommended Reading:
1. ‘Covid-19 Burning Out Naturally’
2. ‘Coronavirus Disappearing Rapidly’
3. ‘Scientific Experts Sidelined’


The first item reached me 17th May 2020 and the second and third on 25th May 2020. To me, this sequence is a sign that the healing miracle which many in our midst, hand in hand with God and the Angels, have been working on for a while, is definitely taking place and that throughout our whole of our world. Alleluia! Thanks and praise be to the Angels and Masters around the throne of God, the Christ Circle, for showing those who are already involved in this movement intuitively how to proceed. At least potentially this applies to every human being. We are by no means helpless and everybody can do their share of bringing about the greatest healing miracle of all times.

The Angelic hierarchy as the executor of the Divine great plan of life is responsible for the development of our whole world and everything that’s taking part in it. Yet, to this day there are some in our world who believe that, by pulling the strings of the masses with the help of fear they will allow themselves to be manipulated and exploited by a comparatively small minority in pursuit of satisfying its greed for money and power. When belief systems with their all-male Godhead held sway over people’s souls and purse-strings, this was possible. But manner in which our present situation is changing is a clear demonstration that this will no longer be tolerated, because those days have gone for good. The Aquarian age is the developmental phase in which we are re-discovering the value of honesty and truth. The deeper we move into this age, the more it will become visible everywhere that God and the Angels always have been and forever will be the supreme rulers of us and our world.

Through withholding something for a certain length of time, the infinite wisdom and love of the Great Mother have always been teaching us the value of things. The previous age was that of Pisces, the age of cheating and lying, false beliefs and deception, of the self and others. That’s why the Angelic hierarchy in those days not only tolerated this kind of behaviour but even encouraged it. The lessons of that age were designed to teach us the value of honesty and truth, so that we would cherish and defend them when they were once more revealing themselves in the Aquarian age.

The patriarchy was a time of religions that ruled our world through male dominance and all-male Divinities. During this period the Great Mother’s wisdom and love withdrew the kindness and caring of the feminine principle from our world. Even though this development lasted approx. six thousand years, it needs to be born in mind that this too was but a passing phase and no more than the batting of an eyelid in God’s time. We are all responsible for every thought, word and action and therefore also the state of our world at any given time. Every one of us did their share of creating the present situation.

The majority of those who are taking part in earthly life now, time and again have taken part in ruling the masses with fear so they could exploited to the heart’s content of their leading classes. During some of these lifetimes we were at the giving end of these experiences and in others at the receiving end. At that developmental stage we were as yet unaware that life throughout the whole of Creation, and therefore also our world, is ruled by God’s perfect justice. In due course it returns whatever one of us sends into our world to its sender. Unlike its earthly counterpart, Divine justice is by no means blind. It’s impossible to understand for as long as we are as yet unaware of the spiritual background of our existence and what role it plays in its functioning.

The time has come for facing up to what kind of a mess all of us together have created and brought with us from the spiritual ignorance of previous lifetimes. Knowing how it came about, there’s no point in complaining. Let’s roll up our sleeves and get to work on putting things right! Don’t you think it’s only fair and square that every one of us has to make their very own special effort to redeem themselves and through this restore our world’s balance another tiny bit? Now that we have moved deeply enough into the age of honesty and truth, because the main laws of life are love and evolution, God and the Angels are happy to show anyone who requests their assistance how to proceed.

However, God’s great plan for us and our world decrees that if we wish healing and pace to come to us and our world, first of all we have to sweep in front of our own door and conduct our life in ever more kind, loving and peaceful ways. That’s an essential part of the great miracle. The Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the throne of God, are ready to teach all of us intuitively if we go about things the right way. This means tuning our earthly minds into their frequencies and asking them to show us how to uplift and transmute all harmful influences of our world into beneficial ones. In particular this applies to the Covid-19 virus.

Never forget that nothing in the whole of Creation happens without the help and will of God and the Angels. Nothing is beyond their reach. The only reason why Covid-19 came into being was to awaken the whole of humankind from its spiritual slumber. Having served this purpose, ever more of us are open to the discovery that God and the Angels are the only authority in the whole of Creation, who at all times has our race’s best at heart. They love every one of us totally and unconditionally, without judgement and prejudice against anyone. The inner guidance they have always tried to provide intuitively for us through the small still voice of our conscience, is the only teacher anywhere who is utterly reliable and trustworthy.

From the spiritual background of our earthly existence, God and the Angels have always been the ultimate supreme rulers and that will forever continue. They are the only power who can bring the present situation to a happy ending and, in keeping with the main laws of life, its natural conclusion. ‘Know that I am as much part of you as you are of Me. And whatever name you like best for Me, the Highest Force and Greatest Power of life, whether you call Me God, Allah or the Universe, I will always respond when one of you asks for My help. Forever I shall guide and protect you and keep you safe from all harming influences, whoever you are and wherever you may presently dwell.’

For simplicity’s sake I like the words God and the Angels best. Never forget that at all times, they need our help as much as we need theirs. Together with them each one of us can lift the darkness of ignorance that to this day fills and surrounds so much of our world into the warmth and love of the Christ Star’s light of understanding. Their presence and co-operation provides all who are applying for this job with the power to uplift and transmute everything that to this day is dark, evil and ugly in our world into something that is good, right and beautiful.

Among many other things, the Aquarian age is a time for transmutation. And that’s how, under the guidance and protection of God and the Angels, the Covid-19 virus is now transformed into a beneficial influence. Its colour changes from red for danger to green for all is well. It strengthens and heals the immune systems of anyone who is affected by this intruder. Their symptoms are clearing up and, without any medical intervention, only seemingly as if by some kind of magic, the patient’s whole being restores itself to normal healthy functioning. Thanks and praise be to God and the Angels, the true eternal rulers of us and our world.

Recommended Viewing:
• ‘Interview with Dr. Dolores Cahill’

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25 May, 2020
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