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The Nightingale’s Song
The Nightingale’s Song

The Nightingale’s Song


Looking At The Year 2020 – Part Twelve

Nachtigall, ich hör dich trapsen!
What can be heard behind the sweet song of this
nightingale’s promise of a new vaccine and wonder drug?
Man merkt die Absicht und ist verstimmt!
Noticing the intention behind and the true nature
of this particular nightingale’s song,
one perceives the trampling of the industry’s
moneymaking machinery.

On 28th March 2020 the following news from the World Health Organisation (WHO) reached me. Their officials announced that at that time twenty Coronavirus vaccines were in development. Although there are still a number of logistical and financial hurdles that will need to be overcome in the race to deliver a COVID-19 vaccine to the public, WHO representatives say they are working with scientists around the world to test and develop twenty different types of vaccine.

‘The acceleration of this process is really truly dramatic in terms of what we’re able to do, building on work that started with SARS, that started with MERS and now is being used for COVID-19,’ Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, the technical leader of the WHO’s emergencies program, said at a press conference in Geneva last week, according to CNBC.

The collective body of research is particularly remarkable since the vaccines are in development just sixty days after a number of international scientists decoded the virus’s genetic sequence and shared it with the rest of the world. One of the vaccines that is already being tested on a number of American volunteers in Seattle has illustrated the unprecedented speed with which the medical community is working together to develop a vaccine.

• ‘Word Health Organisation News’

Announcements of this nature set me wondering how long it’s going to take until the pharmaceutical industry announces to have developed a new vaccination serum that is the wonder drug our world has been waiting for because it is going to protect everybody against this particular version of the Coronavirus. Every earthly human mind is part of the Great Universal Mind. All of us are co-creators with God and, even though for a long time we are unaware of it, we are constantly in the process of creating something. The Aquarian age has brought us the discovery that our earthly minds are powerful tools that can create illnesses as well as good health.

The best proof of this is what by now is well known of the Placebo effect. A placebo is a pharmaceutically inert substance; typically it is a sugar pill but could also be a serum. That’s the clinical researcher’s analogue to the scientist’s control experiment. To prove a new treatment effective above and beyond the psychological results of a simple belief in the ability of the drug to cure, a researcher compares the results of the experimental treatment for an illness with those obtained from the placebo. The placebo-controlled trial is widely regarded as the gold standard for testing the efficacy of new treatments.

Interest in placebo effects began with the widespread adoption of placebo-controlled clinical trials after World War II. The randomised clinical trial was a major methodological breakthrough in medicine and the best evidence for new treatment came from randomized placebo-controlled (RCT) double-blind studies. It was noticed that patients improved, sometimes dramatically, in placebo control arms. Henry Beecher popularised this observation in his proto-meta-analysis which claimed that about 35% of the patients responded positively to placebo treatment. Research has shown that a placebo treatment can have a positive therapeutic effect in many patients, even though the pill or treatment they have been given is inactive. This is known as the ‘placebo effect’ or ‘placebo response’. They have been reported to occur in 21% to 40% of patients depending upon the study type.

On 14th April 2020 I came across another video that got the bells of my inner guidance ringing loudly and tells me that it was launched and financed by none other than the pharmaceutical industry. They are still indulging in the dream of one day ruling our world with the help of people’s gullibility and the power of fear, in particular the fear of ill health and death. By now, fear is quite palpable in the air of our world. A new fear has been added to it, the one of compulsory mass vaccinations with serums that at best may turn out to be ineffective but regardless of that have a placebo effect on some of us. At worst such vaccinations could eventually reveal themselves as harmful and detrimental to human health.

• ‘Compulsory Mass Vaccinations’

The pretence of saving humankind from extinction is the nightingale’s sweet song that this time round the pharmaceutical industry’s dream will come true. The trampling one perceives is the sound of the moneymaking machinery behind the scenes that’s dreaming of piling huge amounts of it into the accounts of their shareholders. My guidance tells me that at this time those in charge of our world on the Highest levels of life will always respond to notions of this nature with a loud and clear: ‘No!’ They will soon be providing our world with a clear demonstration that the only ones who have any real power are God and the Angels. They have always ruled humankind and its world and that will forever continue.

The pharmaceutical industry will not succeed and the evidence we shall see will be far more spectacular than what happened during the previous most recent attempts of gaining control of our world in this manner, i.e. the bird flu, the swine flu and the Ebola outbreak. If the industry succeeded they would be in breach of the Aquarian Zeitgeist, which consists of a strong sense of responsibility towards ourselves, each other, the whole of humankind and our world, which is paired with the love of honesty and truth, loyalty and integrity. The spirit of our time has the power of rebelling against and shaking off all kinds of slavery and means of exploitation. They will not be tolerated the way they were in times gone by when it was possible to exploit the mass of people and rule it by fear. More about this in a moment.

Knowledge is the key for unlocking the doors of this prison. The right kind of knowledge really can provide us with the power of closing its doors, not only for ourselves but also those around us. Anyone who on the earthly plane of life believes to have the power to create misery and suffering for millions through spreading fear are soon going to find out that what they believe to be power is merely indulging in an assumption. Even though this kind of behaviour has been part of the illusions of earthly life for a long time, its teaching value in the earthly school of life has run its course. Now that it has reached its natural end, ever more of us realise that any kind of earthly power could only ever be of a temporary nature, a passing phase to create the illusion of being powerful in people and groups. Such intervals have always been tests that reveal better than anything else the level of a someone’s awareness of their true nature and the spiritual background of their earthly existence.

Everything that happens to our world can only do so because we ourselves, individually and collectively, created it in previous lifetimes. We sowed its seeds; otherwise it could not be there. And that may have taken place a long, long time ago. The present situation consists of an accumulation of the karmic debts our whole world incurred in the course of countless lifetimes. Ruling the mass of people through beliefs that by now have become outdated. Their use for planting fear into people’s heart and soul is the way of the past. For wise higher reasons that were explained in other parts of my jottings, these things represented an essential aspect of the Piscean age’s Zeitgeist.

The religions of our world have always been inspired by God and the Angels for wise higher educational reasons. And the Piscean age was the time during which the churches that developed around the religions that appeared in our world, amassed vast fortunes that expressed themselves through the building of splendid monuments to proclaim the wealth and power of the highest ranks of the organisation’s clerical staff. The present situation has been created by what’s left of the Piscean age’s spirit in the consciousness of our world. Knowing that for many years by now the planet Pluto has been moving through Capricorn is particularly helpful during the present crisis.

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24 Apr, 2020
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