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The Optimist’s Outlook On Life
The Optimist’s Outlook On Life

The Optimist’s Outlook On Life


Nothing But The Truth : The Whole Truth

My Kind Of Astrology – Part Ten

Life in the whole of Creation, therefore every one of us and everything else that’s taking part in our world, is subject to Universal laws. Bearing this in mind, humankind’s earthly existence is basically very simple. The first laws are love and evolution, i.e. evolution based on love. All other laws branch out from these two. The next important law supports the first two is the law of cause and effect or Karma. It decrees that whatever anyone sends into the Universe, wherever this may come about, in the fullness of time it has to return to its sender in a somewhat strengthened state.

Every human being is a spark of the great light, who has the very best as well as the worst within, even though the good cannot yet be seen during the early stages of someone’s earthly education, in seed form it is there nonetheless. Everything that happens in our world did and still does so, at any given time, for the wise higher purpose of teaching all who are taking part in it something. This is constantly moving every one of us, the whole of humankind and our world forwards and upwards on the great Divine evolutionary spiral of life. That’s why I look for something good in everybody and everything which, to my mind, is by no means foolishly optimistic.

Spiritually, it is realistic and sound because by focusing on that which is good in every human being as well as our world, we help their earthly selves to bring it and their higher God or Christ nature to the surface of their consciousness. This is why I enjoy sending nothing but kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to everybody and especially our world’s troublemakers and scaremongers. After all, they too have the Divine spark within and therefore are children of the Highest who have the best as well as the worst within, the same as everybody else, including thee and me.

Every one of us is a co-creator with the Great Father/Mother of all life and at all times we are in the process of bringing something about. Our thoughts create our reality and any kind, loving and forgiving thought we send to our less highly evolved siblings in the great family of humankind is helping their higher nature to eventually become strong enough to break through its lower earthly counterpart and take it over.

I like to think only of things that are good, right and beautiful, why I enjoy giving of my best at all times and talking health and natural healing methods whenever an opportunity for doing so arises, because more knowledge of this kind will come to me in due course. For the first time in this lifetime I feel safe. This is because I know that: a) my existence – on all its levels – rests securely in the hands of God and the Angels; b) they have always been with every one of us; and c) nothing will ever be able to disrupt or destroy the oneness every one of us always has had and forever will have with them.

They know the way of all things and when one of us needs help, they are more than happy to oblige and yet, without asking for it, no help can come to anyone. As soon as we go down on our knees, if only metaphorically speaking, they willingly show us intuitively how to go about things, guiding and protecting us whenever necessary. That’s how God’s great evolutionary plan once came my way. It has provided me with first hand knowledge that life in the whole of Creation, therefore also in our world, has always been unfolding in keeping with this plan.

Through my writings, in the course of many years, my faith and trust in the basic goodness of humankind’s earthly existence and every human being’s nature has grown so strong that nothing will ever be able to shake it. Understanding why things happen, nothing can disturb my peace of mind about our world’s present state. Wise ones have always told us that things can only come about in God’s time and not ours. Yet, they never told us why this should be so. Maybe because they did not know.

Astrology, the Divine science, helps me to understand that things can only happen when the energies of our world’s planetary system are right and therefore allow it to take place. And that’s what they were, a bit more with every passing day as soon the Sun moved into Aries, the sign and point of all new beginnings. Its energies are the uprushing fountain of life that has the power of bringing about the miracle of rebirth on all levels. On the 20th March 2021 the Sun entered Aries. The energies now are right for revealing the truth about the pharma industry and it’s many helpers, especially those of the medical profession. This is the force that for many years has been working exceedingly hard to manipulate our world into the present situation. Secretly, those involved thought, so that nobody would ever be able to reveal the truth about their activities and intentions. What they did not know is that everything that happens on our world’s outer plane is clearly visible to those dwelling on its inner spiritual background. Our most secret thoughts are as if we were shouting them from the rooftops there.

The Aquarian age is the age of truth and nobody can hide it forever. This is for the simple reason that it is not meant to be, never was and never will be. That’s why the truth for quite some time by now has been doing its best to flow with ever increasing strength into all human earthly minds. Each one is a receiver/transmitter station of the ideas that are constantly coming forth from God and the Angels on the Highest levels of life. Alas, many earthly minds have closed down because of not being used. Use it or lose it! My inner guidance tells me that this is why so many are afflicted by Dementia and Alzheimer’s in our time. It’s good to know that, with the help and will of God and the Angels, any condition can be healed and natural ways of doing so are meant to be found. See the relevant link at the end.

It’s good to know that ever more heart-minds are successfully being tuned into the highest frequencies. This shows our readiness to receive the wisdom and truth that for some time by now has been flowing with ever increasing strength onto the earthly plane, to be shared there with as many as possible. Through this, with the passing of time, it has come about that for the first time of my present lifetime, maybe ever, I feel safe and that’s because I know that everything that’s ever happened in our world came about for the wise higher reason of teaching us something. The present situation is no exception and, to show that God and the Angels really are in charge of us and our world and not the pharma industry, they – the most trustworthy source of all – are telling me that the truth about it will soon be revealed.

It’s good to know that everything in our world is of a temporary nature and that our world’s present state was necessary to help humankind wake from the illusion that the earthly plane is all there is to it’s existence. I am not being foolishly optimistic when I say that, in spite of what’s going on around us, all is well with us and our world and forever will be, but in view of its spiritual background very realistic indeed.

Recommended Reading:
• Norman Doidge’s Book ‘The Brain’s Way Of Healing’

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23 Mar, 2021
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6 mins
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