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The Plandemic : Twice Over
The Plandemic : Twice Over

The Plandemic : Twice Over


Nothing But The Truth : The Whole Truth

You Are Special – Part Three

My inner guidance continues: ‘Your whole world’s most urgent need is being healed, the same as every aspect of each one of you requires healing. As soon you feel that yours is beginning, your time has come for reaching out to those around you and for sharing with them everything that your healer’s pathway has taught you thus far. That’s how every one of you can make their own contribution to the healing of the whole of humankind and your world. For this task God and the Angels need your help as much as you need theirs. And for as long as you really are doing your best and do not forget to ask for the assistance from the Highest, they are more than happy to show you intuitively how to each one of you can make their unique contribution to transforming Mother Earth into a more honest and truthful, harmonious and peaceful place.

‘Each time one of you is proceeding in this manner, for as long as your requests are in keeping with God’s great evolutionary plan, the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the throne of God, are more than happy to oblige and do what has been asked for. There is every reason for trusting that all is well with your world and that’s because its present state is an essential part of the Divine plan. And that’ the first reason why it’s good and right to call your world’s present state a plandemic. The second reason, as touched upon in earlier parts of the Aquarian writings, the pharma industry for a long time has been concentrating its efforts on the planning of another pandemic. The greed of the companies involved blinds them to the fact that the lying and cheating that’s necessary for sowing the fear of a non-existent virus into ever more human hearts is the very rope on which the entire industry, for many years by now, has been busy with the process of hanging itself. We shall return to this in the next chapter.

‘This is how, with every passing day, a bit more of the faith and truth the people of your world once had in the pharma industry’s products is disappearing. It’s in keeping with God’s evolutionary plan that humankind, in due course should return into the welcoming arms of the time-proven natural healing methods that always have been available to humankind. This will continue for as long as the last one of you requires them. We, your spirit friends and helpers, are delighted to observe how ever more of you these days are becoming aware that every aspect of their being, i.e. mind and body, spirit and soul, can be healed by tuning into the blessing and healing energies of God and the Angels.

‘The only thing anyone needs to do is tune the receiver/transmitter station of their earthly mind into their frequencies. And that’s how every one of you is destined to evolve, with the passing of time, into a channel through which the healing energies can flow into your world. They are meant to be used first for the healing of every aspect of your own being and then for all those around you who are in need of them. All you have to do is ask and never forget: ‘Call Me by any name and I shall be there and happy to respond.’

‘One of the main reasons why God and the Angels allowed a plandemic to come about is because it serves the purpose of weaning humankind from the bad habit of believing that everything they hear, see or read anywhere is true. This behaviour is a leftover from the previous age, the Piscean age, which has been over for quite some time by now. This age was co-ruled by the planets nebulous Neptune and vast and extensive Jupiter. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac in which every human being stands before themselves and has to deal with at least some of the karmic debts that up to that point have accumulated in their spiritual bank accounts. That’s what the whole of humankind had to do during the Piscean age. The negative aspects of the ruling planets Neptune and Jupiter explain why the Piscean age could not help being a period when blind faith and extreme gullibility ruled supreme.

‘We are glad to observe that the majority of those who at present are attending the earthly school of life, in the meantime have matured into responsible mature spiritual adulthood. Gullibly swallowing everything that comes their way and believing it really is true, just because it’s written or shown somewhere and someone insists that it is true, that’s not all right for anyone. Although it’s understandable for those who are still experiencing their spiritual childhood and adolescence, but for the spiritually older and more experienced ones in your midst that’s not good enough. The time for learning how to make the best possible use of your God-given right of freewill has come. And that means making your own decisions, thinking your own thoughts that are based on the reactions of your very own inner guidance to everything you see, hear or read, and only then coming to your own conclusions.

‘Every one of you has been granted the gift of another earthly lifetime to enable them to bring forth, each from deep within their own being, the special gifts and talents that were programmed into the Divine spark when you first came into being. And if sending kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to your world’s troublemakers and scaremongers is the only thing you can do with your gifts so far, that’s good enough. People who behave like that are sure to be your spiritually younger and less experienced siblings in the great family of humankind. If they were not, they would never dream of wanting to hurt or harm anyone. Forgiving them is good and right, for they really do not know what they are doing to themselves and what, in the fullness of time, is sure to return to them – unless you in some way helps their higher God or Christ nature to stir from its slumbering state.

‘It’s good to observe how ever more of you in your world are becoming aware that their earthly existence has an inner spiritual background; that it’s but a thin veil of consciousness that separates your two worlds from each other; and that the spirit part is a realm of thought. Even what many in your world to this day like to think of as their most secret thoughts, on our side it’s as if they were being shouted from the rooftops. The intentions behind every thought, word and action in your world also are clearly visible in ours. It’s the thinking of those on your side that, at any given time, shows us whether someone has spiritually ripened to the state of pure wheat or should still be counted as chaff.

‘The purest of wheat are those who know that they are personally responsible for every thought, word and action they ever released into the Universe. The spiritually younger and less experienced siblings need the assistance of their elder siblings. People’s behaviour shows us, at any given time, what category of sheep they belong to. How about you? Are you glad to be led by your nose like a sheep to the slaughter or in this case taking part in being vaccinated with some of the pharma industry’s dubious products? Wise ones pay attention to how their inner guidance, the wise one or living God within them, reacts and says either ‘yes’ or ‘no’.

‘As touched upon earlier, nothing on the earthly plane belongs to you. Everything is borrowed and a gift on time. Even your physical body is not yours. It’s been given to you as a vehicle for getting around in the material world and that for but one lifetime. When that has reached its end, independent of how long it may last each time, be it one day or a hundred years and more, your physical body is your spirit/soul’s outer shell that needs to be recycled, even though it may not be worn out.

‘Nothing on the earthly plane is meant to last forever. That’s why it decays, but the only exception is gold. Even if this metal has been buried underground for thousands of years, it remains unchanged. The world around you is constantly trying to tell humankind about what’s happening on the inner levels of someone’s being. The unchanging state of gold is the Universe’s way of saying that the only variety of gold that’s truly worth acquiring on the earthly plane is that of spiritual wisdom and truth. This kind of knowledge, when it is combined with the ability of not merely knowing something but also understanding it, spiritually is the purest of gold that never changes is texture or loses any of its value. This is the only thing that every one of you can take with them, when the end of each earthly lifetime has come round. It’s the only property that truly belongs to you and accompanies you throughout Eternity. No-one would dream of taking it from you.’

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15 Jun, 2021
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