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The Poetry Contest (Part 1)
The Poetry Contest (Part 1)

The Poetry Contest (Part 1)

2 Reviews

Today is day 1 of rehearsal. I entered a poetry contest about a month ago. I put in 4 of my poems, and if you want to read them, I put them on here. They are Broken, My Whimsical World, Worry, and Best Friends.

I am quite nervous. I will be the youngest person there, by at least 2 years. And, on top of that, I have been asked to be the opener, with My Whimsical World.

We have 3 days of rehearsal, and then, on Friday, it is time to preform.

My plan is to update this journey on this website. I will write again on Thursday about the rehearsals, and then sometime either Friday or Saturday. Probably Saturday though, because this is an evening event on Friday.

Anyone else get nervous sharing their poetry? Please comment if you do, so I know I'm not alone.

Wow, this really feels like a blog post, but I hope y'all enjoyed. I know its short, but I didn't want to drag this on.

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About This Story
15 Mar, 2022
Read Time
<1 min
5.0 (2 reviews)

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