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The Power Of Love And Thought
The Power Of Love And Thought

The Power Of Love And Thought


White Eagle On The Power Of Thought – Part Nine

The following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in the StarLink January 2012: ‘Many in your world to this day believe that life ends at the death of the physical body, but this is simply not true because the essence of every human being is spirit and soul. Like God, this part is eternal and immortal, and because God is spirit, its true home are the spirit realms where there is no death and all life constantly moves forwards and upwards on a never ending evolutionary spiral. Whenever a loved goes from you, they are joining us in our world. They are by no means dead and in truth they never left you because they merely moved into another dimension where all life is one and there is no separation between anything, and where no-one ever leaves anybody. On that level your loved ones will always be with you.

‘The most important part of every human being is their spirit and soul, and they are said to belong to God. That is correct, but it’s by no means all there is to it. Because everything is of God and brought into being by the Highest forces of life, the servers of God and the executors of His/Her great plan of life, every aspect of your being, including your physical body, belongs to God. Wise ones are aware of this and treat their body as the temple of the living God within. They would not dream of desecrating it with anything, especially not with evil and destructive thoughts.

‘God, the Great Father/Mother of all life, without exception totally and unconditionally loves each and every human being, just as much as everything else in the whole of Creation. All of it has been created and is constantly maintained and supported by the power of the thoughts of our all-loving, all-giving and all-forgiving Creator. Love and thought are the two most powerful forces that exist anywhere. Just imagine the effectiveness and power that is created when these two come together and express themselves as kind and loving thoughts you are sending to anyone. This is also how in quiet reflections and meditations your loved ones can be contacted at any time. And that’s the best way of finding out for yourself that they really are alive and well in our world, and that nothing can destroy a bond of love that has been created between two people, as well as people and animals.

‘Wise ones know that love and thought are the two most powerful forces in the whole of Creation. Whilst thinking about the troublemakers of their world, in particular those who are involved in planning and carrying out terrorist activities, in one of their quiet moments the thought flashes through their minds: ‘There has to be something I can do to help these poor souls with the awakening of their higher nature. But what? If I allow myself to think I hate them and what they are doing, all I can hope to achieve is adding to the darkness that presently fills their being and surrounds them.’

‘These wise ones are aware that evil and darkness cannot be overcome by evil and that negative thoughts anyone sends into your world attracts others with the same vibrations. They absorb each other like sponges and it does not take long until the negativity returns to each of its senders in the form of ever greater darkness that disturbs any emanations of light that might be there. The only right way of assisting any kind of troublemaker is with thoughts of forgiveness and kindness that are born from your heart’s love and understanding for the difficulties of humankind’s earthly lessons. Whenever such thoughts are sent into your world, they too attract ever more of with the same vibration on their travels through the ethers.

‘Appreciating this, wise ones think: ‘As I have no idea of how to go about this enterprise, I’ll ask my inner guidance, who knows what I am doing and thinking at all times.’ Focussing their attention on the world of the troublemakers, they pray to their Highest Self: ‘May your will be my will and your words be mine, so that everything unfolds in keeping with your will and wishes. If it’s all right to do this, may the Angels of healing and peace hold my hand and the right words come to me intuitively.’

‘After having waited a moment until they sense the Highest Self’s response, the wise ones enter into an imaginary dialogue that goes something like this: ‘You are my younger sibling and I am calling to help you become aware that there is a part of you that is all good. At the moment it’s still slumbering, but I would like to help it wake up. For you the time has come to understand that earthly life is ruled by Universal laws and although at present you think you can do as you like, this simply is not true. You and I, the same as everybody else, are responsible for each one of our thoughts, words and actions.’ Be creative and continue with whatever occurs to you intuitively. If it feels right, that’s what it is.’

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23 Jul, 2020
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