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The Recovery Of Our World
The Recovery Of Our World

The Recovery Of Our World


Looking At The Year 2020 – Part Fifty-Three

There’s None So Blind . . .

To my mind, the most effective and simplest way of helping our world to recover from the pandemic 2019/2020 is by tuning the receiver/transmitter station of our earthly minds into the frequencies of God and the Angels. They are waiting to be called upon so they can show us intuitively how to start sending the Christ Star’s light to those who have been and/or still are affected by Covid-19. It also needs to go to the scaremongers and troublemakers of our world who are doing their best to keep the pandemic going. Unaware of their true nature and their spiritual responsibilities, those who are pulling its strings behind the scenes, their selfishness so far is unconcerned about the wellbeing of our world, its countries and people who are suffering physically, mentally and spiritually because of them.

The troublemakers are doing this because they are as yet blind to the fact that their existence has a spiritual background of their existence, where every one of their thoughts, words and actions are clearly seen by the wise ones who are in charge of them and their development. They have yet to find out that everything on all levels of the whole of Creation, therefore also our world, is subject to the Universal law of cause and effect or Karma. It makes no difference whether someone knows about its presence or not, it always has been affecting everything that exists in our world, even the planet itself, and this will forever continue.

As our younger and less experienced siblings in the family of humankind, the troublemakers deserve our compassion and being sent as many kind, loving and forgiving thoughts as possible. Just like what happens in any good family where the older offspring take the younger ones under their wings. Maybe we can at least alleviate what the law of Karma in due course is bound to return to them, as soon as they have evolved sufficiently to be able to cope with trials of this nature. They will then find themselves at the receiving end of the suffering that they are so thoughtlessly inflicting upon our world’s millions.

It’s good to know that we are by no means helplessly at the mercy of such people. Every one of us, at least potentially, has the power of doing their share of bringing our world’s present situation to its natural and happy ending. So let’s join hearts and souls in prayer and visualise the light of the Universal Christ, the Christ Star, who is the Light of all lights, the Sun of all suns, and the Star of all stars. Through the Sun in the sky above our world Its blessing and healing energies have always been radiating into everything that exists on its inner and outer plane. The Christ light in the course of many millions of years has constantly been drawing Mother Earth and everything that exists on her, forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life, into Its loving embrace. Naturally, we and our world were never excluded from this.

Those behind the scenes who, from the word go, have been pulling the strings of our world’s present situation are the pirates and buccaneers of our time. Ignorant of their true nature and why they are here, they are relentlessly trawling the ocean of humankind’s earthly existence for the bounty of amassing huge amounts of money and the material possessions they will then be able to afford. How, in their blindness, do they do deal with the fact that all earthly possessions have to be left behind, when our departure time from this plane has come? If only we could get it through to them that much greater and more precious possessions that will forever be theirs are guaranteed to come their way, as soon as they discover their spiritual nature and start developing it.

Let’s ask God and the Angels to show us how to go about showing them who and what they truly are and that their life, the same as every other human being’s, serves a wise higher purpose. Our world will be a happier place if we can somehow entice them to start bringing forth, from deep within their own being, the qualities of their Christ nature, because that will help them to start acting in a more thoughtful, kinder and more loving manner. Becoming patient and tolerant towards the shortcomings and foibles of these people becomes easier when one realises that the flaws of their nature are unavoidable aspects of the lessons they are presently attending.

But they too have the birthright to eventually discover that any growth in wisdom and understanding that’s gained during each lifetime is the only thing that truly belongs to us earthlings and that forever. The knowledge of this is the treasure all human beings are in search of in the earthly school of life. That’s why they are participating in its lessons one lifetime after another. And nobody in the whole of Creation would ever dream of taking any of that most precious possession from us. It is the only thing we take with us into the world of spirit and accompanies us into all future earthly sojourns, which makes coping with them easier.

Be that as it may, the troublemakers are our younger and less experienced siblings in the great family of humankind. Don’t you think it’s good and right that we provide them as much spiritual support as possible? After all, you and I once were where they presently are on the evolutionary spiral and in those days we probably were grateful when assistance came our way. Helping the spiritual youngsters in our midst to discover the spiritual treasures that are in store for them, the same as for everybody else, practises our own Christ nature. And that’s what we also do each time we send them some more kind and loving, understanding and forgiving thoughts. There is no need for names. God and the Angels know every one of us, where we have come from and where we are going to. They are aware of the sincerity of our motivations and intentions, probably better than we are ourselves.

The main law of life is love and every kind and loving thoughts joins the Christ stream and strengthens the healing power of its light. Whenever we focus on the harmful influences and hindrances to our world’s evolutionary progress, the Christ stream’s light flows straight to those who are causing them. Even though our troublemakers’ earthly selves almost certainly would reject what we are trying to bring them as fanciful flights of imagination and nonsense, their Divine spark is grateful for every bit of light that reaches it. Hungrily it absorbs what we are sending and so are assisting the waking up process of their God or Christ nature. Never forget that no bread cast on the waters of life is ever wasted. It does not matter if the earthly self of the fed one cannot yet understand our gift, their spirit/soul does and responds to it. And the same as everything else, our bread in due course returns to us. It may come in the form of help when we are in need of it and least expect it. All of a sudden, it appears but hardly ever through those we fed. Yet, return it must because it cannot do anything else.

God and the Angels are waiting to demonstrate that with their help and will quite literally all things are possible and that any condition can be healed. In particular this applies to our world’s present predicament. In my view, it was brought about by unscrupulous business methods that do not shy away from trying to achieve its ends through lying and cheating, trickery, deception and corruption. The selfishness and greed of those pulling the strings behind the scenes are unaware that this kind of behaviour is not good enough for the age of honesty and truth and therefore is no longer be tolerated. And one of these days, the Christ nature of some of our troublemakers, and with it their love of honesty and truth, the first and finest qualities of the spirit realm, is sure to wake up.

They too will then realise that spiritually everything is for real. Faking does not exist, the way it does on our side of the veil that separates our world from the spirit realm. Everything there is simple, straight forward and can clearly be seen by everyone. And what we on our side like to think of as our most secret thoughts, on the spirit side it is as if we were shouting them from the rooftops. No hidden plans and agendas exist there and the deeper we move into the Aquarian age, the more our world’s earthly plane will become like that.

Anything we dream of and wish for with all our heart and soul, God and the Angels have always fulfilled, sometimes merely to teach us a certain lesson. I believe that the worldwide pharmaceutical industry’s dream for ruling our world with its products, distributed at its will, has produced the 2019/2020 pandemic. They are responsible for the suffering and hardships it has brought to millions of people. From behind the scenes, they have always been pulling the strings and manipulating our world’s masses and its governments into this sad and very strange situation.

If you follow the link at the end of this chapter and read ‘To Jab Or Not To Jab’ about the outbreaks of the bird flu, the swine flu and Ebola, you can see how this industry for many years has been nurturing the dream of creating a pandemic. The result they dreamed of was always that eventually vaccinations, with their products, would be declared by the governments of ever more countries to be compulsive for everybody. That would have enabled the industry to shovel huge amounts of profit into its shareholders’ pockets.

The main law of life is love and this kind of dreaming trespasses this law in such a gross manner that God and the Angels are unwilling to allow it becoming a reality on the earthly plane. The pharmaceutical industry’s dream also grossly contravenes the Zeitgeist of the Aquarian age of friendship and siblinghood with all manifestations of life, not only on the Earth but throughout the whole of Creation. And that is why by now ever more of us are feeling a growing sense of responsibility for the wellbeing of humankind and our whole world. We are dreaming of transmuting all harmful influences into beneficial ones for the healing and strengthening of the immune system of our world and everything that shares it with us.

This is the greatest healing miracle that was ever experienced on the Earth and I am glad to tell you that for some time it has been progressing well. For this work God and the Angels need our help as much as we need theirs. They are waiting to show ever more of us intuitively what kind of a contribution we can make. To requests of this nature they respond with the greatest of pleasure, the way they have always done. And that is they are bringing seemingly unreachable stars and dreams that could never find fulfilment before, within everybody’s reach.

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14 Aug, 2020
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