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The Spiritual Background Of Miscarriages (1)
The Spiritual Background Of Miscarriages (1)

The Spiritual Background Of Miscarriages (1)


Greetings From The Wise One Within

For Saturday 13th November 2021

‘Much of your world’s suffering is still waiting to be removed through nothing more than understanding why things are the way they are and have been for a long time and why, to this day, there is such a lot of suffering in your world. Understanding is the key needed for unlocking all doors for all kinds of suffering, individual as well as collective. It supplies the answers to the question: ‘Why is this, that or the other happening to me, to us and our world?’ Basically, it is because everything that happens on the earthly plane serves the wise higher purpose of teaching some kind of lesson either to individual students/pupils who are attending at any given time the earthly school of life as well as frequently all of them.

‘Life on the earthly plane is a school, a place of learning, where everybody’s spirit/soul appears time and again to grow in wisdom and understanding. For all of you this can only come about through everyone’s own experiences. That’s why whenever one of you wishes to turn up again on earthly plane, a new physical body has to be created by God and the Angels through someone, as that’s what you need for getting around and taking part in that school’s lessons. Being educated in this establishment is the compulsory initial part of every human being’s development. Each time a new physical body is needed, so a woman somewhere needs to long for a baby and then become pregnant to fulfil such a wish.

‘Parents on the earthly plane can only act in a kind of adoptive role and as caretakers for the newcomer and that only for a predestined length of time. Every human being’s inner self is a spirit/soul whose nature is eternal and immortal, the same as your true parents the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ. Every bit of matter on the earthly plane has lovingly been constructed by God and the Angels with the Christ Light. Much as you would like to think you are the creator of the new child, when you eventually hold it in your loving arms, you can never be more than act as their co-creator.

‘Be that as it may, in the United Kingdom alone, it is estimated that one in four pregnancies end in a miscarriage or still birth. An estimated twenty-three million of them occur every year worldwide and that means forty-four each minute. Parents and in particular women who are involved in this once or maybe even several times, are participating in the lesson that the way of God and the Angels teaching humankind the preciousness of life. It consists of two parts, the same as all others, in one or several of your lifetimes you are taking place on the giving end of inflicting suffering on someone. During others you find yourself on the receiving end.

‘The second part of this lesson concerns spirit/souls who in their present earthly lifetime are playing the part of a woman of childbearing age. The first instalment of this lesson consisted of, in one or several of her previous lifetimes, rejecting the spirit/soul who wished to enter the earthly plane through her. That way it would have been able to continue its evolutionary journey as a physical being in the world of matter through the gift of a new physical body. Such rejections create a debit entry in the woman’s spiritual ledger. It does not matter what her reasons for denying entry were, whether she did not feel able to feed yet another mouth or whether she could just not be bothered with bringing children into her life and your world, because she was too busy with other things. Either reaction creates a debit entry that demands to be balanced in one of her future lifetimes, which could be a long way off.

- To be continued. –

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13 Nov, 2021
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