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The Time of the End
The Time of the End

The Time of the End

2 Reviews

The smoke continues to rise
It will keep rising
Until the time of the Great Shaking Of the Earth,
Until the time of Doom.

Everything is bound to live
To go on
But not when the time finally comes;
The time of the Great Shaking Of Earth.

The one and only world we know to be our residence
Our permanent abode
The abode of Adam and Eve
And all their descendants
Deceased, living, or yet to come.

Alas! It will no longer care to sustain...
Us - weak, dependent ones
When the time finally comes
The time of the Great Shaking Of Earth.

You would know better than mocking
At this piece of ever true truth
That I care to tell
You better pay attention
For it is no foolish tale I tell you of
It is the very truth
Ever true truth.

You might consider this abode
To be Ever-Lasting
However, I tell you it's otherwise.

There's a time to come which will mean
The end
Of everything we know to exist
And of everything we don't know to exist
All shall have to face destruction.

The Heavens will rumble
The Earth will shake, rattle, and roll
And eventually Earth as we know
Would remain no more
It will all be the Lord's doing.

The day shall be the very last day of the Earth
The Sun shall engulf it
Boil its oceans with its incredible heat
The planets will collide.
A horrifying day it shall be.

It's a time yet to come
With great sincerity
I advise you to be aware
Of this time;
For it shall most certainly occur
One day or another,

The time of Doom
The time
Of the end...

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About This Story
29 Jun, 2016
Read Time
1 min
2.5 (2 reviews)

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