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The Unknown
The Unknown

The Unknown

2 Reviews

It wasn't supposed to happen. The crash, I mean. They said nothing would go wrong. They told me to keep my eyes on the prize. But everything went wrong. We were attacked. Or was I alone? They shot us down. Or was there no one beside me? My memory was fuzzy. Who was I with? Or was I with anyone at all? Perhaps the pilot. Or was the pilot me? All the information I had was found in the debris of the crash. Two parachutes, one unopened. And every time I try to recall the exact events before the crash I get an awful headache. I hate it. I hate that I can't understand, that I'm a crumby detective. You're probably thinking, "Be grateful you survived." The thing is, I'm not sure I did. The island I'm stranded on is devoid of all life. Trust me, I've spent several days at a time searching for food of any kind. But I can't find even a single blade of grass. There's only rock and sand, and metal now. And fish don't swim anywhere near the island. They must know that death is the only thing that can be found over here. I haven't even seen a bird fly overhead. I wonder if they know the same thing. My hunger is indescribable. It tears at my insides and begs for anything. I would eat the metal if I could, but the pieces are too large to swallow whole. That's why I've come to the conclusion that, if I wasn't already, I would be dead soon.

Author Notes: I went to a writing camp over the summer and this is one of the stories I wrote. I revised it a bit, so this is the final product. Let me know what you think! Thanks for reading.

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8 Aug, 2021
Read Time
1 min
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3.0 (2 reviews)

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