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The Waiting Haze
The Waiting Haze

The Waiting Haze

penquin_feetRachel Elizabeth
3 Reviews

we wait for the bus

or we wait for the train

in the middle of a drought

we will wait for the rain

we wait for the summer

then we wait for the fall

sometimes we wait

for nothing at all

we wait all alone

we wait in a crowd

we wait somewhere quiet

or we wait somewhere loud

and as minutes become hours

and hours become days

we can find ourselves stuck

in a sort of waiting haze

alway anticipating the next big thing

waiting for the excitement

and newness it will bring

but the haze traps us in the future

leaving us to wonder

and we don't even see

the spell we've fallen under

the present zips by

right before our eyes

but we are so stuck in waiting

we fail to realize

that waiting leaves you worried

and anticipation leads to fret

there are dangers in consuming

things that haven't happened yet

so instead of always waiting

try and live life in the moment

because if you don't escape the haze

the present will be gone before you know it

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About The Author
Rachel Elizabeth
About This Story
12 Mar, 2022
Read Time
<1 min
2 (View)
2 (View)
5.0 (3 reviews)

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