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The Yoke Around Humankind’s Neck
The Yoke Around Humankind’s Neck

The Yoke Around Humankind’s Neck


Music Of Future And Past – Part Four

My inner guidance tells me that, when Scherchen heard this song at the end of World War I, the Highest Forces of life inspired him to express not only his own yearning for the freedom of the Aquarian age, but also for the whole of humankind. That’s how he contributed such a long time ago, in his own unique style, to bringing about the end of a world in which trouble and strife, lying and cheating, exploitation and slavery had been the order of the day for a very long time.

As soon as we become aware of our true nature and that our earthly existence serves a wise higher purpose, we can no longer be forced into taking part in wars that are not our concern, in which we have no interest whatever and are unwilling to fight for the power crazy ones and money spinners of our world. We yearn for a world that’s simply at peace. And that’s how the German version of this song came into being.

What’s at present happening in our world is not unlike the senseless slaughtering of people, for the sake of satisfying the greed and avarice of two money-printing weapon manufacturers, who are responding to each other in World War I and II, whose latest inventions are making the killing of millions ever easier. It seems to me that the only difference is that this time one part of the pharma industry produced first one aspect of its weapon, i.e. the fear of ill health and death through virus infections. Viruses are ideal because their presence is much more difficult to prove than anything else. Part two of the pharma industry’s weapon is rushing out vast amounts of serum that are bound to be of doubtful quality. Never mind, the industry hopes and dreams that eventually every country in our world will make vaccinations with one of their serums compulsory for all its citizens.

What they are not aware of is that, with the help of God and the Angels, the Aquarian age will continue to take humankind forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral, until the end of all kinds of slavery has been achieved. First in line is the spiritual slavery that was inflicted upon humankind by our world’s old religions with their false beliefs, superstitions and prejudices. Their true purpose in life also was money spinning and that through various types of warmongering that unashamed robbed people of their resources. The warmongering stayed, merely the weapons changed with the passing of time.

In the six thousand years of patriarchy, first the religions with their false beliefs of all-male God-heads appeared. When they eventually lost their grip on their ideas of ruling our world, manufacturers of ever more sophisticated war machinery entered the picture. In different countries they were helping each other to become ever richer. And for some time by now viruses have been taking their place and the pharma industry is doing their best to convince humankind that the only way of surviving at all is accepting their vaccinations. The driving force always has been the greed of the industries involved and pushing the whole train along, from behind invariably has been and still is FEAR!

That’s how, from time to time, a different lot of troublemakers and scaremongers manage to rule our world’s roost for a while. They stay until someone else’s turn has come to frighten people out of their wits. Fear is the worst yoke that all human beings for a long time carry around their necks. And as I know from first hand experience, it’s an exceedingly difficult one to remove. But we are not alone in this and it can be done. With the help of God and the Angels all things are possible and they have been waiting for a long time to intuitively show us how to go about it. All we have to do is ask!

To my mind, the worst slavery of all throughout the ages has been believing that every word of our world’s sacred texts is literally true. For long enough they have kept us away from finding out who and what we truly are and what God really means. For example, Jesus is not a historical figure who once walked in our midst and who save and redeem us, if we believe in him. The God-man, half human and half God, is a symbolism of every human being’s higher God or Christ nature. That is the only one in the whole of Creation who really can save and redeem us, namely we ourselves have to do it. Nobody will come and wave some kind magic wand over us, to do it for us. Heaven and hell are not places that anyone ever went to. They are states of consciousness which human beings are capable of creating for themselves and people and animals alike around them.

There never was an all-male Godhead of Father and Son. In truth, the Divine Trinity has always consisted of the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ Spirit and Its Light. Things like these are the yokes that have been waiting for a long time to be removed from every human being’s neck. As soon as that has been done, no kind of troublemaker and scaremonger will ever be able to deceive us. When our opinions are solidly based on what our inner guidance, the wise one or loving God within, in any given moment tells us intuitively is right or wrong for us, truth or lie, no-one can lead us astray or prevent us from coming to our own conclusions and using our own judgment,

Through the awareness of who and what we truly are, what we always have been and forever will be, that our true nature is love, that from love we have come and to love we are going, individually and collectively, our earthly self’s fears melt away like snow before the warmth and love of the Sun. And who and what is the Sun in the sky above us? One of the many physical manifestations of the Sun of all suns and the Light of all lights, the Universal Christ’s light.

One of these days, the whole of humankind will have reached the state of fearlessness. That’s when humankind’s longing and dreaming of living in world, whose outer and inner plane is filled with nothing but peace that will last forever and never go away. The more we yearn, with our whole being for the appearance of such a world, the more it fills Heaven and Earth, the more millions are going to emerge from the darkness of their spiritual ignorance into the radiance of the Aquarian age’s light of honesty and truth. And here at last is the song in its original version:

Brüder, zur Sonne, zur Freiheit,
Brüder zum Licht empor!
Hell aus der dunklen Vergangenheit
leuchtet die Zukunft hervor.

Seht, wie ein Zug von Millionen
endlos aus Nächtigem quillt,
bis unserer Sehnsucht Verlangen
Himmel und Nacht erfüllt!

Brüder, in eins nun die Hände.
Brüder, das Sterben verlacht!
Ewig, der Sklaverei ein Ende,
Heilig die letzte Schlacht.

Heinrich Scherchen 1918

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23 Jan, 2021
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