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There’s A Place For Us
There’s A Place For Us

There’s A Place For Us


From ‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’

There’s a place for us,
Somewhere a place for us.
Peace and quiet and open air
Wait for us

There’s a time for us,
Some day a time for us,
Time together with time to spare,
Time to learn, time to care,
Some day!

We’ll find a new way of living,
We’ll find a way of forgiving

There’s a place for us,
A time and place for us.
Hold my hand and we’re halfway there.
Hold my hand and I’ll take you there
Some day,

From ‘West Side Story’
Lyrics by Stephen Sondheim
Music by Leonard Bernstein

Recommended Viewing:
• ‘There’s A Place Somewhere’

Yes, it’s true. There is as much a time and a place for us while we are taking part in earthly life as well as when, at the end of our present lifetime, we say good-bye to it and leave our physical bodies and every other earthly possession behind. We then go to the place the song describes with peace and quiet and the open air of the greater freedom of the spirit realm, from which we emerge at the beginning of each new lifetime.

We are eternal beings who will never die and vast numbers of those who are presently taking part in earthly life have walked the above described way many times before. We don’t remember anything about these events for the simple reason that the love and wisdom of the Great Mother of all life has provided that the world of spirit, the home of Her human children of the Earth, should be the place where each one of them goes to rest and recuperate from the inevitable tests and trials, ups and downs of their earthly education.

Because the lower selves are left behind each time we return to the spirit realm, at the latest soon after our arrival there we once again become aware of our true nature and start behaving in keeping with it. That’s why in this place everybody exists together in peace and harmony. Each goes about attending to some more lessons in the halls of learning.

During our times on the Earth, to protect us against ourselves, a veil of consciousness separates us from the memories of past lifetimes and in particular of the moments when we shed our outer shell, the physical body. We would be unable to cope with consciously being aware which way it happened in some of our previous lifetimes. If we had conscious access to many of the things we have been up to in the course of our long evolutionary journey, we would find it impossible to live with ourselves.

On some occasions we could have died hanging on the end of a rope, being burnt at the stakes, beheaded, drowned or starved to death, shipwrecked on a desert island without any hope of ever being saved. The list is endless. When you think of what is known of human history, you will realise that old souls must have taken part in experiences like these time and time again. To create the necessary balance, sometimes we found ourselves on the giving end of creating misery and suffering for others and at other times we received this kind of treatment.

The soul is the storehouse for the memories of every experience of all our earthly lifetimes. In particular this applies to the thinking and behaviour patterns we develop along the way. Through our soul memories they accompany us into each new lifetime and from the subconscious level they immediately start to influence the way we behave, feel and experience ourselves and our present existence. In our thoughts, words and actions the memories of our soul do so beneficially or detrimentally, as the case may be. Everything depends on how we developed in previous lifetimes. The soul and its memories are part of our physical body’s waterbody and may try to reveal themselves to us through illnesses and what only seemingly are irrational and unfounded fears and anxieties.

The Angels are saying: ‘There really is that kind of a place somewhere and we want to take you to it in your imagination. Let us show you how, in the not too distant future, this kind of life will also have become a reality on the Earth. Walk hand in hand with us, follow us and trust that we know the way. This you do when you keep on keeping on and pay attention to your inner guidance. That’s how we can tell you in any given moment what’s right and wrong for you, and in the whole of Eternity you will never be lost.’

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30 Apr, 2020
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