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Trees As Teachers
Trees As Teachers

Trees As Teachers


On the journey of evolving into a Christed one,
Each in their own right, may the Plandemic’s
Darkest time not interfere with the steadfastness
Of our belief that we and our world are resting
Safely in the loving hands of God and the Angels.
Knowing that the darkest hour comes just before
The dawn, literally and metaphorically speaking,
Let the present situation not interfere with your faith
That nonetheless the life that’s been given to
Every human being is a good one.

May the trees be our teacher.
Like them, lets bend before the wind without breaking,
And because our roots, like theirs, are firmly planted
In the experiences of the earthly school of life,
We rest safely in the knowledge that everything
That’s ever happened on the earthly plane is merely
Of a temporary nature and meant to teach
Us the value of something.

With every lifetime the branches of our being
Are reaching higher and higher.
For everybody there comes the time when
We find out that our earthly minds are
The transmitter/receiver stations for the ideas
That flow onto the earthly plane directly
From the Highest levels of life.
The knowledge of this enables us to keep ours
Firmly tuned into their frequencies.
That’s when God and the Angels can start using us
As their channel through which the blessing and healing
Power of their loving energies can keep on
Flowing to wherever they are needed in our world.

This is particularly relevant at Christmas in the year 2020.
When we steadfastly keep on sending kind,
Loving and forgiving thoughts to our world’s
Troublemakers and scaremongers, resting safely
In the knowledge that God and the Angels
Are with us and will always be showing the way
To all those who ask for it,
The truth about the Plandemic’s background
Will keep on bubbling to the surface of our world’s
Consciousness with ever increasing strength.
And that’s what will bring the situation
To its natural happy ending, soon.

To you and your loved ones,
As well as the whole of our world,
a happy and healthy Christmas and New Year 2021.
It comes with something that will cheer you up.

• ‘Christmas Greetings’

With love and light,

* * *

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About This Story
26 Dec, 2020
Read Time
1 min
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