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Trust The Veiled Hand
Trust The Veiled Hand

Trust The Veiled Hand


‘Trust the veiled hand that leads none by the path their earthly selves would choose to go. Always be prepared for changes, for the Universe’s law is ebb and flow.’ Words of wisdom from the Arabic tradition

The Divine great evolutionary plan shows that the Aquarian age has always been destined for the truth to emerge. The deeper we and our world penetrate into the Aquarian energies, the less need there will be for anyone in our world to believe that the hands of the Highest Forces of life, commonly known as God, were veiled. That’s because whatever happened in our world did so for wise higher reasons. The hands never just haphazardly and at random poured good or bad fortune on any human being who was or still is taking part in life on the earthly plane. The truth why anything ever happened in our world and to this day does, when you realise that the whole of Creation and therefore also our world has always been subject to the Universal law of cause and effect or Karma.

This law is a manifestation of God’s perfect justice and nothing anywhere happens without it. It cannot be bypassed by anything and existed long before the beginning of humankind’s appearance on the earthly plane. The law ensured that nothing ever happened in our world, or anywhere else for that matter, perchance or is an accident or a coincidence. That leads us to the next important revelations that every one of us is personally responsible for every thought, word and action we ever released into our world.

And yet, the belief of a veiled hand ruling humankind’s destiny was necessary during the approx. six thousand years of patriarchy with its religions and strange beliefs that an all-male God-head rules the whole of Creation, including our world, and that the masculine forces are superior to the feminine ones. Believing that these things are literally true, never changed the fact that the first, second and third impulses of Creation, the Great Father/Mother of all life, and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ, are one and cannot be separated from each other by anything. They are equal partners in the process of creating life and removing it, as soon as something is no longer required. Lovingly and harmoniously they respond to each other and that will never change. The recognition of this is one of the most important items that the Aquarian age, the age of truth, has already brought to us and our world.

For the wise higher purpose of teaching humankind the value of truth, it was done in three instalments. First the truth was given to humankind. This is why for a long time, people lived together in peace and harmony in the same way as our Creator. Each was then giving of their best for the highest good and greatest joy of the whole community. With the passing of time, this changed profoundly with the second instalment, when gradually ever more of the truth was withdrawn for the length of approx. six thousand years of patriarchy. Through this it became possible for all who were then taking part in earthly life to become familiar with the lower and lowest drives and urges of their humankind’s nature. Lying and cheating, warmongering, greed and money-spinning for supporting ever more sophisticated war efforts became the order of each day that passed by.

The patriarchy had to last for this length of time, so that all human beings taking part in this lesson, through again and again spending lifetimes on the earthly plane for taking part in the same lesson, what we learnt sank ever deeper into our consciousness. On every occasion, we piled karmic debts into our spiritual ledger, unaware that in one of our future lifetimes we ourselves would have to redeem them. This would come about through finding ourselves on the receiving end of the suffering we inflicted upon those around us, many lifetimes ago when we were spiritually still as young and inexperienced as our world’s present day troublemakers and scaremongers are. Ignorant of why they are taking part in earthly life and that they are personally responsible for every one of their thoughts, words and actions, they enjoy their ability of inflicting suffering unto our world. This is how, since the beginning of human life and this planet, cycle upon cycle and circle upon circle has constantly been opening and closing, and that will forever continue.

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In case you are now asking yourself: what did the invisible veil on the hand consist of? It was the old belief systems’ false beliefs, superstitions and prejudices, which as we would eventually find out, were far removed from what really happens to those taking part in earthly life. These things served the wise higher purpose of creating a temporary blockage of fear. That’s what to this day is stopping far too many in our world from even trying to find out who and what our Creator truly is, who they really are and what kind of a relationship they have always had with God, who is none other than the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ’s light and warmth.

Many lifetimes of believing that the above mentioned things are literally true, in spite of the fact that they never were, piled layer upon layer of fears into the consciousness of all who were taking part in the second instalment of our world’s lesson of teaching humankind the value of truth. That’s why these days, they have to work their way through these layers. One after the other they need to be removed. That can only come about through a) a better understanding of the wise higher purpose of this exercise; b) finding out the truth about who and what every human being truly is; and c) accept the responsibility for what we once did to those around us, when we were spiritually still as young and inexperienced as our world’s present troublemakers and scaremongers. The greatest help of all is the knowledge that whatever one of us releases into our world, in due course must find its way back to us, with somewhat increased strength.

There is every reason for being grateful to the Highest Forces of life for in this way helping us to appreciate how precious and valuable the truth, and that about everything, is. Being aware of this, we understand why in one of our earlier lifetimes we had to be at the giving end of inflicting suffering upon those around us, and why in this one we are finding ourselves on the receiving end of the same lesson. And that’s what has been happening in our world for quite some time by now. The pandemic as well as another outbreak of war are essential and therefore unavoidable aspects of this lesson.

For painting the picture as complete as possible it has been necessary to repeat some of the major points of the processes that for some time by now have been troubling humankind. I hope you will forgive me for this. This is why I am repeating that every human being on the earthly plane is similar to a dog on a lead. We are the dog, our Karma is the lead and its end is firmly held by a group of Angels known as the Angels of Karma. It’s their task to ensure that every last bit of Karmic debts has been made good and redeemed, by every one of us because without it we shall never be released into the greater freedom of getting to know ever higher levels of the spiritual realm.

The knowledge that’s before you now places the rudder of your own ship of destiny and fortune into your own hands. I hope that it will help you to consciously choose in which direction you wish your ship to move, from now on. The deeper we and our world penetrate into the Aquarian age’s energies, the more of us shall wake up to the realisation of who and what we truly and always have been; and that, in the fullness of time, a high and holy destiny awaits every human being, without exception. With this knowledge it’s no longer difficult to adjust our will and wishes to those of the wise one, the living God within, and follow its intuitively received directions about everything.

There is every reason why there is every reason for loving and trusting the hand, which for wise higher reasons – as we know by now – for such a long time had to veil its intentions from humankind. When the knowledge of the Great Father/Mother’s love for us and our world join forces and in our hearts and minds melt into one, our fears and anxieties of what might still have to happen to us and our world begin to dissolve on their own. Trusting that the Highest Forces of life will forever be showing us intuitively how to go about everything, quite naturally becomes easier with each passing day. What a relief it is to know that we and our world always have been safe and in all Eternity will be! Follow the link below and see for yourself how the evolutionary progress of the whole of Creation, including in our world, has always been part of the Divine great plan of life.

Never forget that for some time by now, we and our world have been penetrating ever more deeply into the Aquarian age’s energies. This is the age in which Divine wisdom and truth will be flowing with constantly increasing strength into the hearts and minds of anyone whose frequencies are tuned into those of the Highest levels of Creation. It ensures that they can receive ever more of what is constantly emerging directly from there.

Updated End of April 2022

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29 Apr, 2022
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