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Turn To Me
Turn To Me

Turn To Me


The Great Jigsaw Puzzle Of Life – Part Six

Turn To Me

Turn to me, O turn and be saved,
Says the Lord, for I am God.
There is no other, none beside me.
I am the spirit of the Universal Christ,
The only born Son/Daughter of the
Great Father/Mother of all life.
Their qualities are Mine and because
You are a spark of Me,
Everything that’s in Me is also in you.

I am the living God or wise one within you,
The one who comforts and heals you.
No outside forces are involved.
You will always be safe with Me.
Even when you leave earthly life
And shed your physical body like an outworn garment,
You’ve no need to be afraid of anything.
All that happens to you is that
My Angels take you back
To the spirit realm,
My world and your true home.

Do not look for Me
Somewhere ‘out there’.
You will not find me there.
I am your Highest or God Self,
The wise one within,
Your inner guidance.
Search for Me deep within your own being.
You are My child and
My highest qualities are also in you.
I am waiting for you to start bringing them forth,
So your own Christ nature can save and redeem you.
You are the only one who can do this for you.

Listen to Me, My people,
Give ear to Me, My nation,
A law went forth from Me
Long before life on the Earth began.
The knowledge that brings you the understanding
That the justice of My laws is perfect and unerring,
That’s my light for you, My beloved children of the Earth.
Equipped with this knowledge,
Lift up your eyes to the Heavens
And look at the Earth down below.
Your understanding of the meaning of
The Heavens then vanishes like smoke
And you know that your existence in physicality
Is but a passing phase
And that each one of you awaits a
High and holy destiny,
Forever safely guided and protected by the Angels and Me.

Throughout the whole of Creation
My laws have always been ruling supreme.
They ensure that everything returns to its source
And none of you can ever be truly lost
In the vastness of space and time.
During the course of your evolutionary journey
You are constantly being drawn back into the oneness with Me.
The knowledge of this is part of My light
And that for all of you,
My beloved children of the Earth,
Not just a selected few.

Yet, what good are My laws to you
For as long as you lack the understanding
Of their presence and how they work,
Affecting every lifeform in the same way,
Therefore also you and your life.
Religions that are supposed to serve Me,
But insist on looking after their own interests,
Who refuse to grasp My laws and their justice
And learn how to work with them,
Are not serving the highest good
Of My people of the Earth.
They are no good to either you or Me.
That’s why before long they will disappear.

John Foley
Edited by Aquarius

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About This Story
16 Mar, 2019
Read Time
2 mins
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