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High School: Cliques

We've all been there. We've all seen it. 'Jocks', 'popular', 'nerds', 'hicks', 'loners', it's quite a long list. Seems harmless, after all, it is who they are.


Those labels are lies. Those labels are names of your ideology and judgment. You may not be able to see, but they are human. They are an individual. They are unique. They are so unique to the point that you can't actually correctly judge a person.
Because they have their own mind. They have their own ideas, thoughts, feelings, opinions, beliefs, values, perspectives and experiences. You can't walk inside other people's minds. You can't think what they think. You can't feel what they feel. You can't see through their eyes and feel in their heart because of that perspective difference.
I'll give a real-life example.

My best friend and I somehow got talking about religion (I know, a topic you shouldn't discuss at the dinner table, but luckily this is a writing). He brought up The Bible. Me growing up in a strong Catholic household, I was sort of intrigued by this as my best friend isn't religious in any way, shape or form. But this time he mentioned it and he brought up how Jesus was a miracle worker and that led into one of the most famous 'miracle works' of Jesus making a blind man see. He asked me, "How do you percieve that story in The Bible?"
This was a question that was never asked to me nor did I ever think about, but I answered as how I was always taught about this and I said, "Well Jesus is a 'Miracle Worker', so he made a blind man see by pouring his spittle (saliva) in the blind man's eyes."
My best friend brought up a very good point though. "How do we actually know that he made the blind man see physically?...This could be just a metaphorical representation of how a man who saw no potential in his life (being blind) was then brought into light where he could now see where he is stepping in life (having sight)."
My best friend and I were talking about the same book, same story, same people, same everything, but we saw it different ways. I saw it as a physical miracle as a Catholic where my best friend saw it as a philosphical miracle where he has no religious affiliation.

Well what about my best friend(s)? I know 'em pretty well.

That's the problem. You know them "pretty well", but you don't truly know them. You aren't them. You will never be them.
After reading that, you might be thinking to yourself, "What do you know? You don't know me or my friends, so how can you say that?"
I have one question for you then.
When's the last time you had a full fledged conversation with your best friend(s) about politics, religion and/or life?

I'm willing to put all my chips on the bet that you've never had a full fledged conversation and I know I'm right, no doubt.
Because it is impossible.
Sure you can get into basics of these things such as political ideology, religious understanding, life philosophy and you can dig even deeper into them, such as stance on fracking, is there a God?, best way to live life. But those are impossible to fully understand because of three things.
First, there is an infinite amount of questions for these topics.
Second, there will always be something new/founded to these topics.
Third, but for sure not least important, views change.

Danger Calling: Politics

Now I get into a dangerous part of this writing. I've already talked about religion and it didn't seem too bad, so I'll go into politics. There are sirens in my brain telling me, "No! Abort! Don't Follow Through!", but I will anyways. I think it's good to be said.

There are groups out there for politics like I said above, except for 'jocks', 'nerds' and 'popular', this is 'Right', 'Left', 'Feminist', 'Traditionalist' and the list goes on.

Same thing again, when that label is put on, it is based on a judgment we have placed on them as we don't see them as them. We see them as 'Antifa', 'Proud Boy', 'SJW', 'Trumper', again, the list goes on.

Another example. Not a story though this time as I'm gonna tell you a few facts about myself in politics (not looking for a debate, just putting my stances out there).

I think Biden is/will be a good president. I believe the Green New Deal will do amazing things for America and the world. Guns? Stop producing them because look at all the shootings and gun deaths the world suffers every year. Healthcare should be free because health is a right, not a privilege. Immigration should be less enforced because people want a better life so that is why they come to America. Trump? He is a racist and I'm glad he is out of office.

After reading those, I think you have already judged me. I bet you already made connections to those statements I made whether it would be every statement or just one. For everyone that read my poltical stances, I am willing to guess that at least 7 out of 10 people viewed me as 'Left-Wing' or 'Democrat'.
Again, why?
Because in the culture we live in, we judge, we label, we live in an organization of "belonging" to something. We connect people who have a connection to a side or organization or whatever 'fits' them.

Here's the thing though.

I just lied to you.

Everything I just told you about my 'political stances' is a lie.

That is another thing about 'labeling' people. We lie. Not in a pathological way (maybe), but in a casual or innocent way or there maybe was a misconnection somewhere in communication when things are presented.

Un-Label: Throw Out The Label Maker

This is why labeling people is dangerous in a society. They are judgments of others based on thoughts and/or values of an idea that is contrasting/similar to one's own thoughts and/or values. They are just false realities to who we truly are.

For me, I try to see people as people. Not as 'feminist', 'gay', 'atheist', 'trans', 'disabled', I try to see them as human. They are people just like you and me.

Put two 'hicks' together, I bet they are a lot different from each other in their 'truck knowledge'.
Two 'feminists' together, I think they are gonna find some differences in ideology.
Two 'metalheads', there are gonna be difference in styles of music they enjoy.

Is it wrong that we 'label' people? Yeah, because we take away their authenticity as a person.
Is it okay that we do it? Of course because we are altogether human.
I believe that if we look at people like the three things I've pointed out as the main concepting ideas such as, we are unique that we are not like another person, we never truly know someone and we lie sometimes, we'll be okay.

Author Notes: "Once you label me, you negate me."
- Soren Kierkegaard

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12 Mar, 2021
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