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We Are Sailing
We Are Sailing

We Are Sailing

1 Review

What Is Earthly Life? – Part Six

Can you hear me, can you hear me?
Through the dark night, far away?
I am dying, forever crying,
To be with you, who can say?

We are sailing, we are sailing,
Home again,
‘Cross the sea.
We are sailing
Stormy waters,
To be near you,
To be free.

Oh Great Spirit, Father/Mother of all life,
And Your only born Son/Daughter,
The Universal Christ’s Light.
To be near you, to be free and shake off
The chains and shackles of the
False beliefs, superstitions and prejudices of
Our world’s religions of times gone by.
Longing to enjoy the greater freedom of
The Aquarian age, the age of truth,
That tells us to believe what our heart,
The seat of everybody’s inner guidance,
Tells us is TRUE!

Over the murky ocean of our world’s religions of the past,
Leaving behind six thousand years of patriarchy
With its unnatural all-male God-heads,
With its warmongering and empire building
Through cheating, lying and deception,
Of the self and others,
We are sailing to the clear waters of
The Aquarian age, the age of truth, and
God’s sacred wisdom and truth,
Which freely flows from the Highest levels of life
Directly into the earthly receiver/transmitter stations
Of all human beings whose earthly minds are tuned
Into God and the Angels’ frequencies.

Rod Stewart Lyrics
Originally by The Sutherland Brothers
Updated by Aquarius
March 2021

To paraphrase Plato: ‘What would our world be without music? The Universe’s feminine soul reveals itself to us through music. It provides our minds with wings and assists our imagination with flying to the higher and highest levels of life. Music communicates with us through the world of feelings. It has the power of evoking feelings of anger and sadness as well as charm and beauty to humankind’s frequently dreary earthly existence, especially during the times of the so-called ‘pandemic’ 2020/2021. It also has the power of renewing our hope, faith and trust in the basic goodness of life, isn’t it’s mere presence living proof that God and the Angels always have taken care of our true needs and that this will continue, forever? Otherwise there would be no music.’

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About This Story
30 Mar, 2021
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