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We used to be...
We used to be...

We used to be...

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You and I used to be best friends. We used to be inseparable. We used to talk about everything together. We were closer than brother and sister. We used to do everything together. When one got in trouble, the other would sneak up snacks and sneak into each other's rooms to talk. We got into trouble together all the time. We were always there for each other. We were each other's world.

But then came along another girl. And you left me. Now I never see you. You never talk to me or even look at me. I try to keep us going, but you're already too far gone. You are doing bad things with her, and now I don’t even recognize you. When you do run into me, you act as if I’m a total stranger, as if we didn’t use to tell each other everything. Like our friendship never existed. You look at me with total disdain in your eyes, as if my very existence disgusts you.

You are destroying your life by hanging out with that girl. Now your back into drugs. Now you're running away again, and not caring about anything. Your future that you were working so hard to build, is crumbling down. And it hurts that nothing I do or say seems to help. Remember how happy we both were going to that drug meeting after being clean for three months straight?

You've been getting the cops called on you left and right when you’ve gone so long without having them called on you.

I just want you to be happy, and to have a good life. Even if that’s without me in your life. I don’t want you ruining your life like this. Please try to listen. Please. You are so much better than this. You can do so much more with your life.

And now you’re gone. You are locked up for a couple of months, and your new friend left you. Now you see what I’ve been trying to tell you. That you threw everything away, and for what? A little bit of fun? Was it worth it? You pushed everyone who cared about you away, you ruined everything you had going for you, and now you’re all alone locked up. I hope you learn from this and don’t make the same mistakes again.

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21 Dec, 2020
Read Time
1 min
4.0 (1 review)

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