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What Bunny?
What Bunny?

What Bunny?

2 Reviews

"Hey, Lyn," Leo says out of nowhere. I had just been browsing the internet, looking for random pictures that could be used for my profile.

"What's up?" I respond.

His reply came immediately. "I got a song stuck in my head, but I don't know what it is." Before I can say anything, he continues. "It goes, 'da da da bah dum dah dah!"

I sigh and type, "Leo, we're texting. I don't know how you expect me to figure that out."


I laugh at him as another message pops in. Not from him, but from our group chat. The whole family's in that one, so it can get pretty chaotic.

I open the chat and read, " My pet bunny just jumped out the window!" Wait, what? Ben doesn't even have a bunny.

"What are you going on about?" Alexis responds. She was always the first to respond to the group chats. I think she just didn't have anything better to do.

"My bunny, he's gone!" Ben repeats. Okay, this was definitely a prank.

Now, Cody gets involved. "What rabbit?"

"Not a rabbit, a bunny!"

"That's the same thing," I tell him.

"Oh," his message reads. I get a ding from Leo before I can watch this play out further.

I quickly switch chats and find that Leo had sent me a voice message. I click play just as another ding sounds that the group chat was still trying to solve Ben's missing bunny mystery. I hear Leo humming the tune to a classic Christmas song. There was no way he forgot that.

I respond to him by saying, "Jingle Bells?"

"That's it!" he says, causing me to snort. I shift my position on the couch and switch back over to the group chat.

"I found a bunny in the woods," read Ben's latest message. I scroll up to find that I hadn't missed much. They were just interrogating him about the bunny. Callie had joined around the time I had left and all she cared about was if the rabbit was cute.

"What's going on over here?" Leo says, joining in.

"My bunny hates me," Ben says, sending a crying face. I shake my head at him in the darkness.

"What bunny?" Leo asks.

"Ben found a bunny in the woods," Lexie replies, "and claimed it as his own."

"Oh," Leo responds. "Weird."

I send a laughing emoji at that.

"Why did you even want the bunny in the first place?" Cody asks.

"It was cute." Another crying emoji, this one a bit less dramatic.

"Really?!" Callie says, but we all ignore her.

"Guys, GO TO BED." Rei's message makes us all sign off the chat.

Ben leaves by saying, "Y'all are gonna help me find him tomorrow." He was gone before anyone could argue.

"Wonderful news, now GO TO SLEEP!" The brief messages saying that everyone had gone offline flashed on my screen as I signed off.

What a great day.

Author Notes: I hope you enjoyed!
Keep on being awesome, y'all!

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About This Story
13 Apr, 2021
Read Time
2 mins
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3.0 (2 reviews)

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