What Is Covid 19?
Kat DickensOver the last couple of weeks, our life has taken a surprising turn. All because of a virus called covid 19. But many people belive that the response to the virus is over dramatic, some say this is due to the media, creating, and spreading panic. But is this true? Or is this virus as bad as the rumor, and media make it look like?
What is covid 19? Covid 19 is a respiratory disease, that causes shortness of breath, coughs, and fever to those who get it. It can range from a mild illness, in some people, but in others it can cause death. In fact about 3-4% of people who get covid 19 will die, and so far that has been about 304 thousands deaths. So just based on those facts I am sure we can all agree that this is a real threat to us, and not just some little illness. So stay home, and save lives!
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