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When The Curtain Goes Up (17a and b)
When The Curtain Goes Up (17a and b)

When The Curtain Goes Up (17a and b)


The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue

In the course of a great many lifetimes, the earthly school of life’s lessons prepares every human being’s energies to be right for the time when we are released into exploring and getting to know the spirit realm’s next higher level. After that follows the next higher one and so forth. But first, through a kind of play-acting, every spirit/soul’s lower earthly self has to take part in all lessons that are available in this very special educational establishment. Each lesson has to be experienced first hand and that twice over, as explained many times before.

But eventually every young God in the making reaches the end of the earthly school’s curriculum. When it has been completed, earthly life cannot teach us any more. That’s the time when there is nothing left for us to do but turn to forgiveness, also as explained. Because of these things, to my mind earthly life never has been or will be but an illusion. It’s extremely real for as long as we still have to take part in its lessons. Nobody forces us to take part in them, but our spirit/soul knows that without one lifetime after another on the earthly plane, taking part in its lessons, no spiritual progress will ever be possible and their earthly selves will never be released from having to reappear as a physical being in the material world. Every spirit/soul knows how valuable the earthly school’s lessons are and that each one of them is a necessary part of every young God’s education.

The spirit/souls of Julia’s earthly parents of this lifetime were also happy because she did not get lost in what happened to her through her father’s behaviour. They are delighted that Julia no longer considers them to be her true parents; that she is aware now that, all three of them, for a while were involved in play-acting on the grand stage of the theatre of humankind’s earthly existence; and that every bit of it served the wise higher purpose of redeeming some of the most ancient karmic debts of her mother and herself. Both of them are old and experienced spirit/souls.

In contrast to them, the one who got lost in playing her father’s role was the earthly self of a young and less experienced spirit/soul. This also was true for my mother. Freely and willingly their spirit/souls accepted that their earthly selves should play this role because it’s an essential part of the initial part of their education. As touched upon earlier, nobody ever forces us to do anything in earthly life. But our spirit/soul is aware of not yet having experienced the first instalment of getting to know the nature of suffering, that’s why it agrees that its lower earthly personality should take part in this lesson. When the wise ones suggest this lesson for our next earthly lifetime, our spirit/soul agrees to go ahead. This may sound cruel on the surface of things for those who have experienced serious suffering in their present lifetime, spiritually there is every reason why we should forgive and even thank the ones who hurt and wounded us, as you will be able to see for yourself by now.

The spirit/souls of Julia parents of her present lifetime are glad that their daughter has a much better understanding of the purpose and meaning of every human being’s earthly existence than they had. When that’s at last has been grasped, the earthly school of life has nothing left to teach us and that’s an indication that for Julia, as soon as the natural end of this lifetime has come round for her, she will no longer have to take part in earthly life. Her spirit/soul will then be permanently released into experiencing the steadily increasing greater freedom of the spirit realm. She will be free to start exploring and getting to know the next higher level of her educational program. Each first educational level is followed by the next higher one. This continues until every human spirit/soul eventually reaches the top and has evolved into one of the Masters of the Christ Circle.

As mentioned before, love and evolution are the first laws of life throughout the whole of Creation, therefore also in our world. Each lifetime on the earthly plane serves the wise higher purpose of teaching every human being, without exceptions, every one of the lessons they have been most carefully designed to impart. That’s why, in my view, taking part as a physical being in the material world is most certainly not an illusion. It is a very real and serious enough business when one considers that none of what happens there does so at random or is haphazard.

Everything is part of a most lovingly designed program and a plan exists not only for each and every one of us, as young Gods in the making, but also for the whole of humankind and our world. And all of these plans are an integral part of the great plan for the whole of Creation. Everybody’s educational program begins at the lowest point. Everybody’s education unfolds similar to a train that’s placed on its own track. Astrologically each one starts with the first degree of Aries, the cardinal Fire sign, fire of the head, which is the point of all beginnings.

For every human being this is the start of a never ending evolutionary journey. Each train moves along at the steady pace of one degree per year through the Sun sign in our birthchart and one degree per month from our Moon sign. The Sun’s progressions reveal the way our spirit/soul is moving while taking part in life on the earthly plane. The position and sign in which the Moon is placed represents the pathway of our lower earthly personality.

And from where the Sun and the Moon’s progression have advanced to, each time the end of our previous earthly lifetime had been reached, that’s where for every one of us the evolutionary journey of exploring and getting to know ourselves and our world restarts. When our lower personality once more departs from this plane and leaves behind its vehicle for one lifetime only, the physical body, whatever has been learnt in the course of all or lifetimes, including the most recent one, is safely tucked away. It is stored in our soul memories, in the subconscious part of our being. In our next lifetime, the still have the power of influencing us in either positive or negative ways, as explained earlier.

This is how the evolutionary journey starts for every human being at the point of understanding nothing. From there, slowly but surely, in the course of many lifetimes, takes every one of us – without exception – to eventually reach the highest levels of life. And that means that we shall then be able to influence what happens anywhere in the whole of Creation. Do you still share the view that earthly life is merely an illusion?

And that’s why I warmly recommend the study of the files below:

Recommended Reading:
• ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
• ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
• ‘My Interpretations Of The Sun Signs’
• ‘Be Your Own Astrologer – D.I.Y’
• ‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’

– To be continued. –

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When The Curtain Goes Up (17b)

Do You Know Where You’re Going To?

Do you know where you’re going to?
Do you like the things that life is showing you?
Where are you going to?
Do you know?

M. Masser & G. Goffin

An improved understanding of the purpose and meaning of our present existence initially helped me more than anything else to make some sense of the complexities of this life. It was the beginning of my healing journey that brought me a measure of peace. It was good to get to know that our planet is nothing but a place of learning like a school and that the world of spirit is our true home. This is by no means a scary notion, because the spirit world is not a strange and alien place somewhere else, but a very familiar one that is well-known and much loved by all of us. It is an integral part of our present world, whose outermost manifestation is our present existence in physicality. The inner is a world of light from which we once emerged and at the end of each lifetime return to for rest and recuperation.

Human beings are much more than their physical bodies, which is merely an outer shell that is worn like an overcoat. In truth we are a spirit and soul, who every so often returns to the Earth plane to be once more temporarily encased in matter. Our real parents are the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother Creator of all life. All earthly parents can ever hope to do is take on the role of adopted parents for the duration of one lifetime – no more. The most important bit, to my mind, is that everybody has an inner home where a direct connection or line with God has been waiting to be re-established for a very long time.

The deeper these things sank into my consciousness, the more I came to terms with my lifetime’s experiences and the long, slow and painful journey of healing my soul got on its way. As time went by, the desire to return to my old home country or even to visit it disappeared completely. All I had ever got from my visits was a bloody nose – metaphorically speaking. Each time I was emotionally so deeply upset and distressed that at one time it made me physically sick, without having any idea at the time of why it was happening. Realising where we are all coming from and one day will be returning to has helped me to love and appreciate my life and the things it is showing me.

As bit by bit the mystery of our existence started to unravel itself in my mind, I got to like and appreciate what life has always been trying to show me. The more I understand, the more I love my life and the one who created it. In my view, understanding is the key for unlocking any door. It makes forgiving much easier, first for ourselves for needing such difficult lessons and then for the unfortunate souls who had to carry the burden of hurting and wounding us, not only in this lifetime but also all previous ones. Recognising the Universe’s great wisdom and infinite love behind every single one of our experiences is half the battle won. Without the ‘bloody nose’ experiences I almost certainly would have got lost in the illusion of a home and mother who were meant to play this role in my life for an allocated span of time only. And so, I pray:

O Great Spirit, Mother/Father Creator,
Grant me the gift of Your Divine wisdom and forgiveness,
So that I may forgive each and every one
Who ever hurt or wounded me, including myself.
Help me to forgive every cruelty and unkindness
That was ever done to me by anyone, in word, thought and deed.
With hindsight, I can see that all who treated me in this way
Supplied me with a special service and were my best teachers,
Because they all helped me to become the one I am now,
And for that, Great Spirit, I am truly thankful.

From ‘Healing Prayer For Parents And Children‘

As soon as our earthly self catches a glimpse of the Divine plan for the spiritual evolution of God’s children of the Earth, our comprehension expands of God’s true nature and our own. When we begin to understand where we once came from and where one day we shall be returning to, our soul rejoices. As it begins to relax, the earthly self slowly finds ever more rest, peace and healing. Even when it has merely touched the outer edge of God’s eternal bliss and joy, it becomes more patient in its pursuit of the wisdom, truth and understanding of its true Divine parents.

Although God’s all-enfolding, all-forgiving and all-understanding total and unconditional love is hard to grasp for earthly minds, it is from this point that each one of us once emerged as a minute spark of God’s sacred spirit and was sent forth. Each was launched on their own evolutionary journey of exploration and discovery. Straight away we had to start building ourselves a personality with distinct character traces. We also needed a soul, as a container – if you like – in which the memories of all our learning would be stored. In both genders, the soul is the feminine, soft, sensitive and vulnerable feeling part of our nature. Only through these additional parts is it possible for the indwelling spirit in any of us to get to know itself and the world in which our Highest Self places us, wherever this may be one of these days.

Each spark of the Divine initially is a spirit only. Part of God’s masculine aspect, astrologically it is represented by the elements Fire and Air. For as long as the spirit has no body, although it can think it can neither see nor experience itself. It has no feelings but that does not stop if from being precocious, enterprising and inquisitive, wanting to learn to understand itself and the life surrounding it. Having given the matter considerable thought, the spirit of God once decided to create itself a feminine counterpart, the Great Mother of all life, the Goddess. Our soul is part of the Goddess and our spirit is part of God. Both belong together and are one – there is no separation. The feminine aspect of the Divine and us is astrologically represented by the elements Water and Earth.

This evolutionary process explains the necessity for our existence on the physical plane of life. To enable anything to take part in this world, a vehicle has to be created for moving about, i.e. a physical body whose main components are Water and Earth. And that’s how it’s come about that we presently find ourselves in one of the material environments of God’s Creation, planet Earth, on the outermost edge of existence.

It does take a long time until the earthly mind understands the incredibly long journey of discovery its spirit and soul have already travelled. Finally, the small earthly self comes to terms with its existence and accepts that its explorations will forever continue and that on increasingly higher levels of life, its imagination captures an impression of the grandeur and the goodness of God’s Creation that can clearly be seen everywhere, including its own past, present and future. With this new vision it gradually becomes more tranquil, placid, joyous and also humorous towards some of the difficulties it daily has to cope with.

Whenever something threatens to overwhelm us, it is good to know that we are never alone, because God and the Angels, as well as our guides and masters in the world of light, are constantly with us. Having witnessed them many times in the past, they do understand our human problems only too well. If we call upon them, they will show us how we can become ever more sincere and true in all our relationships, so that we may walk our pathway through life with tranquil hearts and minds that are open to the glories of their worlds that for the time being have to remain invisible to earthly eyes.

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10 Apr, 2022
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