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When The Curtain Goes Up (2)
When The Curtain Goes Up (2)

When The Curtain Goes Up (2)


The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue (10)

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

‘Don’t be fooled by any impression with which the surface of the material plane supplies you. The underlying spiritual truth is that physical bodies who are being killed, at any given time, while their indwelling spirit/soul is eternal and immortal. It has been taken by one of the Angels of transformation, not of death because spiritually death does not exist. The physical body of anyone who has been killed served the purpose of an overcoat that, in each lifetime, is worn similar to an overcoat. It was specially created for this purpose, made to last for a predestined length of time. The age of the spirit/soul wearing it is impossible to tell from your perspective of life.

‘In the case of the people killed in the Ukraine conflict many of the spirit/souls have been waiting for a long time for an opportunity like this to redeem their last outstanding karmic debts. And I hope you will find what happened less cruel when you know that their spirit/soul were taken by the Angels of transformation to the spirit realm, their true eternal home. There is nowhere else to go when someone’s earthly lifetime has run its course and the outer shell of their physical body has served the purpose for which it came into being. On top of all that, it’s the last time that the earthly personalities of those who are being killed in all your world’s present warzones, not merely in the Ukraine, never again have to compulsorily take part in life on the material plane. Their education in the earthly school of life is complete.

‘Their spirit/soul energies have been cleansed by the ordeal each earthly personality had to endure. Because of this the spirit/soul is now ready for being released into continuing its education by exploring and taking part in the spirit realm’s next higher level. After that one, comes the next higher level and so on and so forth. That’s how every human being, each through their own efforts, is constantly moving forwards and upwards on their individual evolutionary spiral, and at the same time on the spiral of the whole of humankind and your world. This evolutionary journey, for each one of you and not merely a selected few, continues until your spirit/soul has reached the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle and joined them. In keeping with the Divine evolutionary plan of life, you will then be able to create and uncreate whole worlds and everything that’s taking part in them.

‘The intervals that your spirit/soul, every so often, spends at home, serve the recovery from the stresses and strains of your earthly existence. You are then aware that without applying for one lifetime after another, you would never be able to reach the end of your education on the earthly plane. You do this freely and willingly because you know that you will then be released from the compulsion of taking part earthly life’s lessons. Without attending to them, you would never be allowed to continue your education by exploring the greater freedom of the spirit realm and taking part in them.

‘On every occasion you leave the earthly plane behind, your spirit/soul joins the group that’s been taking care of you, and also your loved ones, when you still dwelled on the other side of the veil that to this day separates the two parts of your world. As mentioned before, spiritually nobody ever forces you to do anything. Everything you do comes about of your own free will. And nobody will ever be released into the greater freedom of the spirit realm without having served their apprenticeship on the material plane. Each group is headed by a spirit/soul who is more highly evolved than the rest of its members. All of them welcome each newcomer and do their best to start showing them which ways of supporting and helping those on the other side of the veil are allowed and which are not. And because this is what’s first and foremost in the minds of all new arrivals, they gladly accept the period of learning that’s ahead.

‘But let’s return for a moment to the victims of your world’s warzones, not merely the Ukraine but all others. In each case, what happens is for two wise higher reasons. The first one is the redemption of outstanding karmic debts for old and experienced spirit/souls. The second one piles new karmic obligations into the spiritual bank accounts of young and inexperienced spirit/souls. The time has come for realising that, in the final analysis, whatever happens to your physical body is nothing like as important as how much its indwelling spirit/soul learns from the experiences. Through this, in the course of many lifetimes, every one of you grows in wisdom and understanding of itself, why you are taking part in the earthly school of life, and your world.

‘Every human being’s spirit/soul once started its evolutionary journey as the tiniest of sparks of the Great Father/Mother’s only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ’s light. That’s why every one of you, whether you are as yet aware of it or not, is an eternal and immortal being that will and can never be truly hurt or destroyed by anyone or anything that exists anywhere in the whole of Creation. From this you will be able to see for yourself that all is well and forever will be, and that with every one of you, the whole of humankind as well as your world.

‘If you wish to alleviate any kind of suffering, and especially that which to this day is created in your world’s warzones by the spiritual youngsters in your midst, whose higher nature has not yet woken from its slumber. The best way of helping it to wake up is by sending ever more kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to them, individually as well as collectively as a group. They really do not yet know not what they are doing, most of all to themselves because of what, in the fullness of time, is bound to return to them, unless you do your best to assist them with the power of your thinking patterns. Every one of your thoughts feeds into the light stream of consciousness of your world and strengthens it. The more this happens, the more this stream becomes capable of gradually absorbing ever more of the darkness that still exists on your plane of life.

‘Once more I would like to remind you that spiritually nobody ever forces any human being to do anything. Whatever you do it’s of your own free will. Never forget that the spirit/souls of those who to this day are being killed in your world’s remaining warzones, before entering into their present lifetime, agreed with the suggestion of the wise ones in charge of their spiritual development, that the physical bodies of their earthly personalities should die the way they are doing. Spiritually this makes a great deal of sense, because it’s a process that has the power of cleansing any spirit/soul’s spiritual bank account of all outstanding debts. Accumulated in the course of many earthly lifetimes, they have been waiting for a long time to be redeemed, when for them the end of their education in the earthly school of life has come round.

‘When your earthly personality’s suffering has cleansed your spirit/soul’s energies, at last you are fully and consciously aware that you, the same as every other human being – independent of which developmental level anyone may have reached at any given moment – in truth is a young God in the making. Now your energies are right for permanently staying at home in the spirit realm. You will be continuing your education there and never again have to reincarnate onto the earthly plane in order to take part in its lessons. This eventually sets every one of you free to explore and take part in ever higher levels of the spirit realm.

– To be continued. –

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14 Mar, 2022
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