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When The Curtain Goes Up (24)
When The Curtain Goes Up (24)

When The Curtain Goes Up (24)


The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

The Galilee Song

Deep within my heart I feel
Voices, whispering to me,
Words, that I can’t understand,
Meanings, I must clearly hear!
Calling me to follow close,
Lest I leave myself behind!
Calling me to walk into
Evening shadows one more time!

In my memories I know
How you send familiar rains,
Falling gently on my days,
Dancing patterns on my pain.
And I need to learn once more
In the fortress of my mind:
To believe in falling rain
As I travel deserts dry.

As I gaze into the night,
Down the future of my years,
I’m not sure I want to walk
Past horizons that I know.
But I feel my spirit called,
Like a stirring deep within,
Restless ‘till I live again
Beyond the fears that close me in.

So I leave my boats behind,
Leave them on familiar shores.
Set my heart upon the deep,
Follow you again, my Lord.

Frank Andersen

The strange tales of our world’s old religions, which never had anything in common with what really happens to every human being when the end of their earthly lifetime has come round. Alas, these stories in the course of many lifetimes have created a barrier of fear in me, the same as in everybody else who took part in earthly life during approx. six thousand years of patriarchy. Having worked my way through layer upon layer of my fears during almost eighty-five years, with every day that passes the voice of my inner higher God or Christ Self speaks to me louder and clearer.

That’s why for a long time I have been able to sense how it wants me to go, what to do and write. And this is how, with the passing of time, I have found out that the story of Jesus should not forever be understood as being literally true. The God-man is merely a symbolism of every human being’s higher nature. It needs to be brought forth from deep within every human being. Nobody else can save and redeem us and our world. The Divine great evolutionary plan provided that humankind for a predestined length of time should be unaware that the tale of the Master Jesus is but a legend. He only ever existed as a thoughtform and never was a historical figure who once walked on this plane of life.

The knowledge of this is helping to bring about the greatest transformation that our world has ever experienced. For some time by now, it has been in the process of changing from an over-materially oriented place into a completely spiritual one. Whatever may still have to happen, will be an essential part of what the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, who are the executors of the Great Father/Mother’s evolutionary plan, have for a long time been planning for us and our world. This plan decrees that the Age of Aquarius will be the age of truth. And that’s why, with steadily increasing strength, fresh spiritual knowledge has been flowing from the Highest levels of life direct into hearts and minds that are not only open to receive and understand it, but also willing to unselfishly share what they have received with as many people as possible.

This is why the voice of truth these days is whispering to ever more of us that the Jesus tale was created in the form of a legend, so it could serve as the initial instalment of teaching humankind the value of truth. That’s why the Great Father/Mother’s love and wisdom first gave to humankind the knowledge of who and what God really is and the true nature of every human being. After that, for a certain length of time this knowledge was withdrawn, but only for a predestined length of time. This is why our world, for approx. six thousand years, had to endure the belief that an all-male Godhead is eternally in charge of it, and also that the masculine forces are superior to the feminine.

The deeper we move into the Aquarian age, the clearer it will be recognisable that the masculine and feminine forces of life always have been and forever will be equal partners who cannot be separated from each other. And then the crowing glory was the Great Father/Mother’s most ingenious idea of installing the earthly school of life, in which every human being for as long as they are taking part in it, simultaneously plays the role of teacher as well as student. The more highly advanced we spiritually become, our inner guidance moves to the forefront of our consciousness.

There is nothing to fear whenever this guidance tells us that something is right and the feelings of our innermost being confirm that it’s safe to follow the direction received. This is how the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the throne of God, have always tried to communicate with us. For a long time, we just don’t know where the instructions are coming from. Any task they advise us to carry out on their behalf, we need to attend to the best of our ability.

Whenever we thank our Creator, the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ, for their infinite wisdom and love, their warmth and love then wrap themselves around us act as a protective cloak that shelters and keeps us safe, forever and ever. This is particularly important for as long as, in earthly terms, our planet in many places to this day still has to be a lonely, cold and dark place. Never forget that behind all outer appearances the love and warmth of the eternal Sun have never stopped shining. Every small effort towards making our world into a more peaceful and agreeable place, and that for as many as possible, is a most valuable contribution towards dispersing the mists that spiritually still fill and surround it.

So let’s be of good heart and feel safe because of the awareness that, slowly but surely, the warming rays of the Sun beyond the Sun and the gentle rain of increasing spiritual knowledge are bringing an ever better understanding of the purpose and meaning of humankind’s existence. These things are constantly occupied with removing the last remnants of the ignorance that cannot be avoided at the beginning of every human being’s evolutionary journey.

The constantly arriving fresh insights into more and more ancient themes, with the help of writings like these, has already brought about great progress in the evolutionary development of humankind and our world. My inner guidance tells me that many good things are in store for every one of us, the whole of humankind and our world, and that sooner than many of us would believe possible. So let’s rejoice and praise the glory of the infinite love, wisdom and truth of the Great Father/Mother of all life, and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ. Thanks and praise be to them, forever and ever, Amen.

Updated End of April 2022

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22 Apr, 2022
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