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When The Curtain Goes Up (27a and b)
When The Curtain Goes Up (27a and b)

When The Curtain Goes Up (27a and b)


The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue

Twelve Golden Stepping Stones

Into The Freedom Of The Aquarian Age

Living on the earthly plane can be likened to a giant river that sometimes seems to gently smile at us and on other occasion angrily roars. For a long time, trying to navigate these waters can be extremely difficult. Yet, when our development has reached a certain point, stepping stones appear one after the other that gradually makes coping with our earthly existence easier. Each one of them slowly but surely brings us closer to understanding God’s true nature, our own and why we are here.

1) Earthly life is a journey of discovery. It is a place of learning, a school in which everybody simultaneously plays the part of student and teacher.

2) None of us is ever alone. Wise ones from the higher levels of life in the spiritual background of our world, whom I like to call Angels, are in charge of its development and ours. Although they are invisible to earthly eyes, they have always been with every one of us and have never left us. Forever they will be guiding us and showing the way. Yet, only in the case of great emergencies do they interfere with what we are doing and, when the need for it arises, come to our rescue.

3) Life is not a one-off thing. It’s an ongoing process that steadily takes every one of us forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. In the course of many earthly sojourns time and again we move through every sign and house of the zodiac. We are constantly in search of consciousness expanding experiences that increase our wisdom and understanding. That’s how, in the course of many lifetimes, every human being evolves into a God-like being.

4) For me, God is the Divine Trinity of the Great Father/Mother of all life, and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ, who is the Sun of all suns and the Light of all lights. They are our true parents, because every human being, without exception, contains a spark of the Christ light. The essence of our being is spirit/soul and like God they are immortal and will never die. Therefore, in truth there is no death, merely a moving into another dimension of life, the world of spirit or light. That is humankind’s true home from which all of us emerge at the beginning of each new lifetime and return to when it has reached its end.

5) Life in the whole of Creation is ruled by Divine justice. This justice is so perfect that initially it is hard to grasp by earthly minds. It’s basis is the Universal law of cause and effect or Karma which simply decrees that everything eventually has to return to its source. Although on the earthly plane people frequently enjoy creating unnecessary complications, on the spiritual level life is simplicity itself, as can clearly be seen from this law.

6) Everybody possesses their very own built-in lie-detector and that is the inner guidance of the wise one or living God within. This is the only truly reliable teacher or guru in the whole of Creation, who knows the way of all things and the answer to any question we may ever care to ask. In any situation and at any given moment, it’s the only one who can reliably tells us whether something is right or wrong for us.

7) Nothing on the earthly plane happens per chance, by accident or is a coincidence. Everything was created by those involved and serves the wise higher purpose of teaching us, individually and frequently collectively, some kind of a lesson. Life on our plane and everywhere else in the whole of Creation consists of cycles within cycles and circles within circles. The main law of life is love and in case you are still wondering about the pandemic 2020, it serves the redemption of old karmic debts and creating new ones, which in future lifetimes have to made good by those who are presently trespassing against the Universal laws.

8) Through withholding something for a while, in God’s time and that can sometimes mean thousands of years, the Great Mother’s love and wisdom has always been teaching humankind the value of things. The pandemic is part of our honesty and truth lesson. Through the damage that a comparatively small minority can do to our world with its lying and cheating, the rest of us are being taught to value and appreciate honesty and truth.

9) May reflecting on one of these stepping stones after the other, enable you to see for yourself that in truth there is nothing to be afraid of in earthly life. The lack of knowledge and understanding makes us afraid and fear is the root of all our world’s problems. There is no longer any need for being afraid when one discovers that God and the Angels have always been guiding and protecting every one of us with great loving care. Even though for a long time we are unaware of their presence, that’s what they will be doing, forever and ever.

10) Spiritual knowledge belongs to everybody. It should not be sold to the highest bidders and used as a money spinner. If your inner guidance tells you that what you have found here is true, then share it with as many people as possible. Freely, freely you have received. Freely, freely now give! If that sounds interesting, take a look at the link for ‘Songs Of Inspiration’ where four chapters have been dedicated to this theme.

11) Let’s never forget that nothing on the earthly plane belongs to us. Everything is a gift and on loan for a predestined length of time. It has to be returned to Mother Earth in as good condition as possible, each time one of our lifetimes there has reached its end.

12) Saturn represents the stern and undeviating schoolmaster aspect of our Divine parents that demands self-control and self-mastery from every one of their beloved children of the Earth. Until they have been developed, we have to continue attending the lessons of the school of earthly life. And as soon as the Capricornian energies are handled the right way, Saturn’s role changes from that of teacher to the rewarder. The rewards can truly be worthwhile when they at last come our way.

Saturn and Uranus are the co-rulers of the fixed Air sign Aquarius. The Aquarian age is going to be a period during which humankind’s highest hopes and dreams will come to fulfilment. Saturn’s demands are the gatekeepers to the freedom of the Aquarian age. The deeper our world penetrates into it, the closer we are getting to another golden age of plenty. But the energies of those who are insufficiently evolved will not be suitable for reincarnating onto Mother Earth, when her transformation is complete and this comes about. All spiritual youngsters will then be continuing their education as physical beings in a world of matter on a younger and less highly evolved planet, that matches their energies.

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On Giving

You give but little when you give of your worldly possessions.
Only when you freely give of yourself, your gifts, time and resources
And with love in your heart, do you truly give.
For what are your possessions but things for keeping and guarding
Out of fear that you may need them sometime.
But what will that bring to an over-prudent dog
Who buries a bone in the trackless sand of the desert,
As it follows a pilgrim on their journey to a holy place?
Isn’t the fear of need a need in itself and
Isn’t the dread of thirst, even though your well is full,
Part of a higher thirst that cannot be quenched by water?

There are those who seek recognition,
Even when they only give little of the abundance
The Universe in its kindness has bestowed upon them.
Their hidden desire makes any gifts they have unwholesome.
But there are also others who have very little and
In spite of this don’t hesitate to give all they have got.
They are the believers in life and its bounty
And life itself sees to it that their coffers will never be empty.

Next there are those who give with joy,
And the happiness they feel is their reward.
Giving to these people is as natural as the apple tree
In your garden shedding its ripened fruits,
So that all can partake in it, down to the smallest
And least significant creatures of the Earth,
As all have the same right to share this life with us
And to be nourished and fed.

On the other hand there are those to whom giving is painful,
And the pain they feel is part of their Earth baptism and initiation.
Others just give and their giving causes them no pain.
They neither seek joy nor do they claim to be virtuous.
They are giving because it feels like the right thing for them to do.
Such souls give as the flowers breathe their fragrance into space.
Through their hearts and hands God,
The Great Father/Mother of all life speaks.
And from behind their eyes S/He smiles upon Mother Earth,
To bless and heal all her children.

Giving when asked is good,
But it is better by far to do so unasked,
Because you feel and understand the need of another.
To such open-handed ones the search for those
Who are ready to receive their gifts represents a happiness and a joy
That is something much greater than mere giving.

Is there anything in your life that you would like to keep to yourself?
Your spirit and soul are the only possessions that forever will be yours.
All others will one of these days be given to someone else.
Therefore give now, so that the joy of giving may be yours
And not belong to those who follow behind.

Forget about saying: ‘I would give, but only to the deserving.’
The trees in your orchard never say this,
Neither do the flocks in your pasture.
They give of themselves because that is their life’s purpose.
Withholding their abundance for them is unthinkable.
Anyone who is worthy of receiving the gift
Of another lifetime on the Earth plane
Is your sister or brother and therefore worthy of
Anything you can share with them.
And all who are allowed to drink from the great river of life,
Surely deserve to refresh themselves and fill their cups
From your stream of consciousness.

Could there be a greater desert than doing nothing but receiving?
And who would you be that people should bare their souls before you,
So that you may see their worth naked and their pride damaged?
Make sure that you yourself become a deserving giver
And a worthy instrument through whom God’s gifts can be presented,
For in truth it is always life itself that gives to another part of life,
While the giver is nothing but a channel and a witness.

All of you are receivers, so assume no weight of gratitude,
Lest you lay a yoke upon yourself and upon the Great One
Who presents His/Her gifts through you.
Together with this giver rise on the wings of the gifts
That in this way come to our world.
And forever be mindful of your debt of gratitude for the generosity
Of your kind and loving mother, the Earth.
Never forget that she is a spiritual and physical manifestation
Of the Great Mother of all life, the Goddess,
And Her loving partner, God, the father,
Who not only dwells in Heaven, the highest levels of life,
But also on the Earth, with Her and at one with Her.

Both are as much alive in minutest creatures of the Earth,
The same as they are in you and me.

From ‘The Prophet’ by Kahlil Gibran 1883-1931
Lebanese/American poet
Edited by Aquarius

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25 Apr, 2022
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