For the life of me
It could probably be easier
Bearing all your problems
You could fall on your keister
But when the rain pours down on you
And the wind tries to knock you over
Remember that life ain't so blue
You can smile moreover
So when you feel the
sadness creeping in
Just know with all your heart
Your mind can win!
You mustn't give up
Or let it win
You must face it
With an impenetrable grin
For nothing hurts the sadness more
To see the one thing it fears for -
You smile
and make it shiver all over
You dance
And make it curl up and cower
For nothing can stop it
But your desire to alone
For you can just sit
And the sadness is gone
But if it's so easy
Why don't we try?
Do we want to be queasy?
Or wish for the sky?
Author Notes: I think I'm getting the hang of poetry! Please leave a review and tap my bio for more stories! -KP ❤️
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