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You And Your Loved Ones At Christmas
You And Your Loved Ones At Christmas

You And Your Loved Ones At Christmas


A White Eagle Christmas Message

‘When you entered earthly life you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. Your turn for smiling comes when you depart from your present existence and the ones around you, who do not appreciate what is really happening to you, are crying and have to wait until their time for a better understanding of the processes of life has come. May your spiritual awareness help you to live your life to the fullest. Isn’t it sad that to this day so many think that life finishes with the death of their physical body, when in truth there is no death and life is eternal and constantly moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral?

‘Your loved ones are not dead and they have not gone from you. They are now enjoying the greater freedom of our realm, the world of spirit or light. On this level all life is one, there is no separation between anything and everything is for real. Lying and cheating, deceptions of any kind are unknown. When during your times of quiet reflections and meditations you contact your loved ones with the help of your thoughts, your inner consciousness of the eternity of life grows. The main law of life is love and God has nothing but love for you. Love the Great Father/Mother and their only born Son/Daughter, the spirit of the Universal Christ, the Sun of all suns and Light of all lights, not just with your heart but with your whole being. Know that in the Divine consciousness there is no death and that your loved ones are living in that love and on the inner level they are as much part of you as you are of them. On that level nothing can separate you from anyone you love.

‘During the Christmas period human hearts tend to yearn and ache even more than at other times for some kind of contact with their loved ones in our world. Whenever such feelings threaten to overwhelm you, remind yourself that all they have done is leaving the darkness of earthly life behind. They are not dead but alive and well in the world of light because in truth there is not death. Take advantage of the energies of the Christmas period, when the power of the Christ love can be felt much more direct and powerful than at other times. The Christ energies are bringing your loved ones closer to you. This enables them to pour their love into your heart and it also makes it easier for you to fill them with your love.

‘And now, in your imagination picture a temple that is filled with the blessing and healing rays of the Universal Christ. In its centre stands a huge evergreen Christmas tree that is aglow with millions of lights. The tree is a symbol of God’s eternal and unshakeable love and the lights represent the Divine spark in the heart of every human being. Not merely at Christmas but always seek the shelter of this love and especially when you feel the need for being closer to friends and other loved ones, who departed from the earthly plane ahead of you and have returned to the spirit realm, humankind’s true home.

‘In your prayers and meditations during the Christmas period, each time you focus your thoughts and the feelings of your innermost heart upon the beauty and power of the Christ Star on the Highest levels of life, listen to message the shepherds of the Jesus legend who were watching their flocks by night on a hill near Bethlehem, a long time ago, if the God-man had ever really existed. He is one of the many symbolisms of the God or Christ nature of every human being, the loving goodness and kindness that are part of your higher nature. At a certain point of your development this aspect of your nature stirs from its slumber and begins to make itself known on the earthly plane.

‘The shepherds represent us, the groups of spirit guides and helpers who are in charge of looking after their flock, a group of human beings. The hill indicates that we are attending to you from your world’s spiritual background on its higher inner plane. Bethlehem is a symbolism of the earthly plane. And the event taking place at night shows that it’s something happening on humankind’s inner subconscious level.

‘The deeper you are moving into the Aquarian age, the age of truth, the more delighted all your shepherds are to observe that the character traces of the true Christ child are waking up in ever more human hearts. And that’s how, instead of Jesus, the Christ Spirit is slowly but surely revealing itself as the only one who truly can save and redeem every one of you, the whole of humankind and everything else that’s taking part in Mother Earth’s spiritual development.’

Updated Christmas 2020

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27 Dec, 2020
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