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You And Your World Are Safe!
You And Your World Are Safe!

You And Your World Are Safe!

1 Review

Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle

Part One

Rejoice, beloved children of the Earth! We want you to know that we are with you, always have been and forever will be, and that nobody on the earthly plane ever had any true power. We, the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the throne of what in your world is commonly known as God, are the only ones in the whole of Creation who have true, i.e. everlasting power over every cell and atom that exists anywhere.

We want you to know that we are protecting you, always have been and this will continue forever. Your world’s present ‘pandemic’ came off almost too easily and that is because it was specially designed by us. It the crescendo of all previous attempts, for example the most recent re-run of the Bird flu and the Swine flu epidemics in the years 2003 and 2009. Each one of them failed and for that time brought an end to your world’s pharmaceutical industry’ hopes for huge money-spinning benefits.

The ‘pandemic’ your world has been experiencing for quite a long time by now, is designed to act as a watershed of humankind’s development from an over-materialistically orientated place into a spiritual one. That’s why, on the surface of things, it looks as if your world was ruled by some of the greatest masters of the money-spinning art. These days, at the head are people like Bill Gates, born 28th October 1955, a Sun Scorpio, and Anthony Fauci, born 24th December 1940, a Sun Capricorn. These men, for example are creating the impression as if they were really capable of bringing about another pandemic after this one, and then another. They look forward to profiteering from the sale of vaccines which like the present ones, if anything are harmful to human health and wellbeing.

We assure you that on this occasion they will not succeed and that’s because such a development is not part of the Divine great evolutionary plan for humankind and your world. Many in your world by now are aware that Aquarius represents the voice of the Great Father/Mother of all life, and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ. We always have been and forever will be serving them and carrying out their will and wishes. The Aquarian age is the age of truth. God’s wisdom and truth have been waiting for a long time to start flowing directly from Its mind, on the highest levels of life, into any heart and mind on the earthly plane that’s tuned into its frequencies.

The whole of humankind as well as your world, for quite some time by now, has been penetrating ever more deeply into the Aquarian age. And the more of the energies of this sign are absorbed, the more Divine wisdom and truth emerges. And we want you to know that nothing exists between Heaven and Earth that possesses the power of interfering with this, even the slightest degree. In keeping with the Divine evolutionary plan for the whole of humankind and its world, for approx. six thousand years of patriarchy the truth has gradually been withdrawn ever more from your world. It happened for the wise higher reason of teaching humankind learning to appreciate the value of truth.

We promise you that this will not continue forever. It existed merely for a predestined length of time. The first instalment of this lesson consisted of approx. six thousand years of patriarchy. It brought some ever stranger belief systems to your world that were based on tales that had nothing in common with what really happens to humankind. For example, the existence of places called Heaven and hell. We are glad to tell you that this part of humankind’s spiritual development most certainly is over and that’s because the age of truth, for some time by now has been with you.

The truth has been hiding for long enough behind the surface words of tales and legends, for example the one about Jesus as the saviour and redeemer of humankind. To many of you the age of truth has already brought the knowledge that nobody can save and redeem anyone. You are the only one who can do this. However, this has been explained in many earlier parts of the Aquarian writings, so there is no need to go into more detail here.

The Aquarian age is constantly bringing more truth about the strange tales and legends of the old belief systems. Gone are the days when human beings could be forced to believe that they are literally true. For the wise higher purpose of teaching your world the value of truth, step by step ever more of the truth was withdrawn. We are glad to tell you that the deeper your world penetrates into the Aquarian energies, the more of the truth is going to emerge. Your Creator has provided every human being with the birthright of eventually discovering the truth. This most precious gift will never be lost by anyone. And that’s why at long last you are finding out why some very strange things had to happen for such a long time and why some of them still do.

Love and evolution are the main laws for the whole of Creation, therefore also your world. This means that evolution always has been and forever will based on love. Through this every one of you, the whole of humankind and your world have constantly been moving forwards and upwards on the great evolutionary spiral. There never was and there never will be any moving backwards. What’s at present happening in your world is no more than the final part of the initial instalment of being taught the value of truth and because the karmic debts that were accumulated during this period are still in the process of being redeemed.

Theses debts were piled into the spiritual ledgers of those who were, a long time ago, spiritually young and inexperienced. The debts came about through wearing, time and again, on the grand stage of earthly life’s theatre, the costume of troublemaker and scaremonger towards their spiritually older and more experienced siblings, in the great family of humankind. As this process has been explained many times in previous chapters of the Aquarian writings, we feel there is no need for going into any more depth about it here.

We have mentioned it here, because that’s why the dream of one pandemic after another, with the pharma industry continuing its money-spinning efforts by supplying endless amounts of vaccine, will simply not find fulfilment. There will be no need for it because that is not part of the Divine Great Plan of Life, we assure you. You and your world are safe, always have been and forever will be. And that is because humankind’s future and destiny ultimately have always rested in our hands and never in anyone else’s.

– To be continued. –

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29 May, 2022
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