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You Are Your Own Creators
You Are Your Own Creators

You Are Your Own Creators


White Eagle On The Power Of Thought – Part Ten

The following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in ‘Stella Polaris’ June/July 2010 with the heading ‘Visualising the Christ Star’: ‘Every human being is a spark of God and a chip off the old block. All qualities and powers that are in God are also in each one of you, though at first only in a slumbering state and as a potential. As co-creators with God your thoughts have the power to constantly create something. Any form that you imagine or think of is created by you out of what we in our world call soul matter.

‘Whatever you create you are responsible for and, usually without being aware of what they are doing, writers create and build the characters of their tales on the etheric plane. Writers of fiction are the creators of their stories’ characters, but those who write historical novels tune into the vibrations of the people who have become the focus of their attention. The more intensively this is done, the more authentic their tales will feel. Whatever someone creates in this way comes alive as a thoughtform on the astral plane of life and eventually has to be absorbed into the heartmind of its creator. That is the seat of God’s and human creativity.

‘Every human being’s development at some stage includes experiencing the astral planes. If in any of your lifetimes you created some thoughtforms, that’s when they present themselves to you, so they can be absorbed into your consciousness. Because the Universal laws decree that everything has to return to its creator, it cannot be done any other way. Does that now make you wonder how Sir Arthur Conan Doyle coped with it when the hound of the Baskervilles was bounding towards him? If only he had known!

‘Wise ones, however, who are aware that every one of their thoughts, words and actions is built into some kind of a form on the higher etheric plane, leave writing unpleasant and scary tales to those who do not yet know any better. Instead they spend more time on creating beautiful and peaceful conditions in their home. Even if their lifepath is a difficult one, they make every effort to think good and constructive thoughts only and use their power to create as much beauty wherever they go.

‘As the absorption of thoughtforms can only be done by the love in the creator’s heart for his/her creations, wise ones ask for the guidance and protection of their inner teacher, the living God within, when they are writing. They take great care to only bring thoughtforms of good, positive and constructive people into being, who have something to give that enriches your world and makes it a more pleasant place for all.

‘And that’s how the Angels once created the legend of the Master Jesus and the people surrounding him. When this tale has served its purpose, every one of its thoughtforms will be absorbed back into the consciousness of the Angelic hierarchy and removed. For the Jesus legend this process will be completed sooner than you may be able to imagine from your present evolutionary state. This is due to the fact that increasing numbers of you are becoming aware that the only purpose of all legends that ever appeared in your world was to assist the awakening of the living God within each one of you.

‘Every one of the thoughtforms that were thus created down the ages, with the passing of time was slowly withdrawn and absorbed into the heart of the Angelic realms, from where they once emerged. Each time an old religion is removed from your world in this manner, it loses its hold on people’s hearts and minds and that creates the necessary space for the entry of a new belief system. This is how the religions that are still present in your world are being phased out. And now that sufficient numbers of you have matured into spiritual maturity, there no longer is any need for legends. You are ready for the truth about God’s true nature and your own and capable of acting as healers and lightbringers for those around you. You are here to spread the good news of the religion of the Aquarian Age and are meant to share it through the media that are the gift of this age for you and your world:

There is only one religion, the religion of love.
There is only one country, the whole of Mother Earth.
There is only one race and chosen people, the whole of humankind.
There is only one gender, who is androgynous, whole and holy.
There is only one language, the language of the heart.
And there is only one God, the God of love,
The Great Father/Mother of all life
And I, their only born Son/Daughter.
We are one Holy Trinity, who is
Omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.

‘Recognising whether the above is speaking the truth is not difficult for those among you who once took part in the ancient Egyptian religions or any that reached even deeper into antiquity. The only things human beings have ever been able to take with them, when leaving another earthly lifetime behind, is what they have gained in wisdom and understanding. This is how many who are presently taking part in earthly life have brought knowledge of the Ancient Wisdom with them.

‘Yet, on the debit side of your spiritual bankbook such credits are accompanied by unpaid Karmic debts from those long gone by days. If this applies to you, your present earthly sojourn will be offering you plenty of opportunities for balancing your spiritual account. This is why you were drawn to spiritual service in the first place. Whenever you encounter parts of the Ancient Wisdom, you feel its calling from deep within you and need no convincing that they are speaking the truth. Having once seen into and experienced that which is invisible to ordinary earthly eyes and minds, you just know.’

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24 Jul, 2020
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