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Oxygen's Avatar


Oxygen is from US United States • 18 y/o • Female

• head in the clouds but my gravity's centered •


• you can find me in the kingdom •

Birth Year
Star Sign
7 Mar, 2019
Last Visit
2 years ago
Avg Rating Given
4.9 from 86 reviews
Ratings Received
4.7 from 63 reviews


Hey, I'm oxygen!
How's your life? Mine's been a jumble of emotions.
I'm usually very shy around strangers but crazy with my friends.
Feel free to text me if you have any problems (love, family, friends, I have experienced them all)
A warm welcome to the newcomers.
I would also love constructive criticism, and I am happy to give advice or inspiration.

Here's my wattpad account: @speakxyourself

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