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Andrew_And_Ana's Profile


Andrew_And_Ana is from US United States • 17 y/o • Male

You Were Tired
Story by hvdiyya (14)
When God saw you getting tired And a cure was not to be He put his arms around you And whispered come to me
<1 min
Words: 90
Read Time: <1 min
Your Choice, Your Voice, and the Cookie Monster
Story by Anthony E (55)
One kid matures in the face of peer pressure, friendships develop when you least expect it.
3 mins
Words: 636
Read Time: 3 mins
Life Is a Box of Chocolates They Say
Poem by xXGLB-LifeStudioXx (4)
We All Don’t Know What Would Happen In Life, To Me, It’s A Pack Of Sour Patch Kids.
<1 min
Words: 107
Read Time: <1 min
(Not) Worth It
Poem by Despicable_Moi (19)
I'm (not) worth it. I have (no) value. Just like you.
<1 min
Words: 62
Read Time: <1 min
The Elevator Numbers
Story by xXGLB-LifeStudioXx (4)
Stuck in the Elevator she heard a voice, What happen next? You’ll just have to find out.
3 mins
Words: 675
Read Time: 3 mins
A Side of Suicide (Shiloh's Fate, Idea One) 18+
Story by IlliterateCat007 (17)
I love to torture my OCs
51 mins
Words: 10235
Read Time: 51 mins
Poem by
We used to be friends.
<1 min
Words: 182
Read Time: <1 min
Poem by
Or life, if you want
<1 min
Words: 172
Read Time: <1 min
My Angel
Poem by LORD_JASON (21)
When all hope I lost on love... Till she walks by
<1 min
Words: 114
Read Time: <1 min