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Carmen's Profile


Carmen is from CA Canada • 18 y/o • Female

It will never be perfect so make it work

Why Lies?
Story by Clouds (18)
Life with friends isn't always easy.
1 min
Words: 228
Read Time: 1 min
Oops, Wrong E-mail Address
Story by Galaxian (30)
He opened his laptop and sent his wife an e-mail. However....
1 min
Words: 227
Read Time: 1 min
16 Moons Book 1: The Forgotten Clan Chapter 1
Story by Clouds (18)
Estreya woke up. The wind from the open window was to cod for her to keep sleeping. She looked over to see if Pine was sleeping, but she wasn't there.
1 min
Words: 258
Read Time: 1 min
Story by BaBEbOO (28)
The boy and the girl was doing great until the girl had cancer...
4 mins
Words: 906
Read Time: 4 mins