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Dark_Quenn13 is from US United States • 18 y/o

Poem by Andraaknas (28)
Warming cold, dead hands is hard, especially when they're yours...
1 min
Words: 248
Read Time: 1 min
Feeling Like a Ghost
Musing by stormymindofmine (22)
I feel like most of us are feeling this way, sad and lonely in 2019.
1 min
Words: 292
Read Time: 1 min
Confessions of the Mind
Poem by Azrael's Disciple (20)
Why does no one seem to see me? Am I that invisible?
<1 min
Words: 155
Read Time: <1 min
Poem by Andraaknas (28)
So warm, yet so cold
1 min
Words: 339
Read Time: 1 min
Poem by Andraaknas (28)
A poem of the aftermath of a heartbreak that has left me lost and breathless...
<1 min
Words: 190
Read Time: <1 min
Poem by NobodyImportant (24)
I let someone into my life. And they kinda sorta broke me a little bit.
<1 min
Words: 73
Read Time: <1 min
Wings 18+
Poem by kkhause (24)
A suicide note of hopelessness and pain...
<1 min
Words: 133
Read Time: <1 min
Accident or Suicide
Poem by From_Me (22)
A poem about the pain of a torn mental state caused by inner demons and thoughts of suicide.
<1 min
Words: 46
Read Time: <1 min
A Sad, Broken Life
Story by bleeding_roses (26)
read please
<1 min
Words: 105
Read Time: <1 min