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HudaFatima is from IN India • 32 y/o

From a medical intern who is utterly happy delivering lab results
When you get out of rut after more than year of hassle, even delivering lab results feels like party.
2 mins
Words: 474
Read Time: 2 mins
This Is Why I Binged Watched ‘13 Reasons Why’
Let’s think hard. Think hard before hitting on ‘share’ , ‘like’ , ‘comment’ icon on social media.
4 mins
Words: 824
Read Time: 4 mins
Home, Home Without Your Mother
Without Her, this world will always seem less important.
1 min
Words: 262
Read Time: 1 min
Is Death, a Fictional Dream?
You really don’t understand life unless you have to live yours without your ‘parents’
3 mins
Words: 601
Read Time: 3 mins
My mind played like a repeated soundtrack, wish I had got to wrap my arms around his nape and whispered a thousand times ‘Be mine’
2 mins
Words: 468
Read Time: 2 mins
His Half Formed Smile
Him staying aloof , hiding his eyes like pretty clues and I following suit.
<1 min
Words: 187
Read Time: <1 min
Falling Into an Abyss
He sits quietly pulling me into, with his aura. And I giving into his calm pace.
<1 min
Words: 138
Read Time: <1 min
Something in Between, Just You and I
A fallen leaf, a beating heart and a stolen gaze in closed spaces.
<1 min
Words: 143
Read Time: <1 min