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LeCat127 is from US United States • 21 y/o

I can neither confirm nor deny if any or all of my writing has personal significance.

Reviews Given

Doors by Thomas Ray

To me, this read like a fever dream. I'm not sure I understood what was happening. It was interesting, though.

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Roasting My Old Writing by Thomas Ray

Your comments are kinda hilarious, especially because I know exactly what it's like to cringe at my old writing. It's pretty interesting and satisfying to see that your old stuff isn't THE WORST EVER writing, but that the new is so much better. It's always fun to see how you've improved.
I don't really remember the story, except that I read it, but I'm sure it's worth salvaging/redoing if you're invested in it.

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The Wish by SamizdatMcTasty

Ha! I wasn't expecting that. Good writing.

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Fingers and Machines by SamizdatMcTasty

This isn't necessarily my usual taste in genres, but I really like your writing style! Holding off on the reveal of the finger was a good call; I liked the surprise of realizing what the character is holding onto. I'm not sure I entirely understand this story, haha, but I enjoyed it!

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The Weeping Ash by NorthernPhoenix

Excellent. I did notice the stages of grief while I was reading, but it felt smooth. The style was cohesive and I enjoyed the way you depicted how a tree might feel about things and view its life.

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Bread Loaf by NorthernPhoenix

You know, for something not profound, this is actually pretty good. You're not wrong.

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What Darkness Hides Behind Close Doors by Fiona Snow

This poem tells a really interesting story. I especially like the way it begins, talking about secrets and hiding, and I love the lines "Are you not tired of not being able to be you? Is it because you think it's taboo?" Good work.

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Tragedies by Thomas Ray

I really like the way this story begins. The first paragraph about tragedies has good rhetoric and I find it very interesting.

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