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TheForgotten is from US United States • 22 y/o • Female


Reviews Given

I Thought I Was in Love by Trash I am Sorry

A very personal story. Don't doubt your work so much, have a little confidence! Besides if you're looking to improve just keep writing, you'll learn from experience.

As far as loving your best friend, I understand having other feelings rather than friendship (perhaps not quite as intense as love). It's best to tell them, I know it may be scary but you have to put it out there how you feel or they'll never know. It's horrible to be stuck wondering what 'could've been'. Besides, if she doesn't like you and she's mature about it you two can continue being friends. It's a little awkward at first but it gets better. Hang in there buddy!

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You by NobodyImportant

A lovely poem about heart break

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The Bottom of the Black Abyss by NobodyImportant

I thought this piece was beautifully written. It's a lovely poem

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If I Had Known by Erin Milligan

This story is good, however it is almost exactly like one I wrote before this...

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The Woman in White by Rebecca Kathleen

Overall the story was fine but, I think in this one extremely rare case I slightly agree with Apemann. Other than that it was good.

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The Beginning of My End by Rebecca Kathleen

I thought the story was okay. There were a few grammatical errors that created a few 'hiccups' for me.

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Thoughts by Not Using

Very heart felt. I am sorry about the pain you're experiencing. Writing is an extremely good way to express your feelings. Well done.

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Wish for the Sky by Kat

I really liked this poem. I feel slang can be used appropriately, and it definitely was in this one. I didn't really run into any snags other than a little in the beginning when I did see a small amount of "forced" rhyming. Otherwise I thought it was rather lovely

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