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(Showing 64 - 84 of 11687 Results)
The Meletic Creed
Musing by Lorient Montaner (45)
A philosophical creed to Meleticism.
3 mins
Words: 622
Read Time: 3 mins
Virtues vs Vices
Musing by Lorient Montaner (45)
Virtues vs Vices
<1 min
Words: 87
Read Time: <1 min
Musing by Lorient Montaner (45)
More philosophical quotes of mine.
43 mins
Words: 8647
Read Time: 43 mins
Musing by Lorient Montaner (45)
These are old quotes of mine.
43 mins
Words: 8621
Read Time: 43 mins
(Contemplations Of Meleticism) Στοχασμοί του Μελετικισμού
Musing by Lorient Montaner (45)
My own contemplations of the philosophy of Meleticism.
49 mins
Words: 9875
Read Time: 49 mins
(Μελετισμός) The Pillars, Virtues And Principles Of Meleticism
Musing by Lorient Montaner (45)
-The foundation to my philosophy called Meleticism
46 mins
Words: 9394
Read Time: 46 mins
Go Your Own Way
Story by JPYoung (67)
‘Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more’ – Shakey’s Henry V
5 mins
Words: 1183
Read Time: 5 mins
Story by J.B (60)
When he discovered that the objects in the Museum had changed places during the night, Roman Kopman decided to investigate who had access to the most extensive amber collection in Europe.
13 mins
Words: 2736
Read Time: 13 mins
Story by hercules (35)
A few of my own Laurel and Hardy stories.
8 mins
Words: 1636
Read Time: 8 mins
Out of Time
Poem by Matt Decker (46)
All flows out of it. All run out of it. What will we make out of it?
<1 min
Words: 115
Read Time: <1 min
The Staircase Only We Have Ever Seen
Poem by NobodyImportant (24)
Sometimes the only people that have seen the way out are the ones who needed it.
1 min
Words: 263
Read Time: 1 min
Stranger on a Train to Taraquilla
Story by JPYoung (67)
‘…an Adventure was going to happen...’ –Winnie the Pooh
12 mins
Words: 2463
Read Time: 12 mins
Story by hercules (35)
A woman called Jessica is visited by a Pleiadean.
5 mins
Words: 1058
Read Time: 5 mins
Will I Be Happy Then?
Musing by LeoraJackson (21)
Some of my thoughts on finding satisfaction in life
1 min
Words: 349
Read Time: 1 min
My Almost Lover 18+
A man at a bar and a girl with a pen.
<1 min
Words: 187
Read Time: <1 min
A War Never Won 18+
Poem by NobodyImportant (24)
Rolling to his back he looked to the sky in bitter askance, As to why he had never been given the chance to live.
1 min
Words: 204
Read Time: 1 min
I Spoke Aloud to the Wind
Poem by NobodyImportant (24)
I spoke aloud to the wind, and I heard nothing in reply. Nothing but a soft and weary sigh.
1 min
Words: 220
Read Time: 1 min
My Child
Poem by AaronTheRocker (21)
Sad eerie cradle song-like writing of a jealous mother.
1 min
Words: 317
Read Time: 1 min
Story by J.B (60)
When the protagonist's father dies unexpectedly, her paternal grandmother takes her in. And they begin to live a life of fairy tales and story-telling that will make them both happy.
10 mins
Words: 2125
Read Time: 10 mins
Smile Awhile
Story by JPYoung (67)
‘Start every day off with a smile and get it over with.’ —W.C. Fields
8 mins
Words: 1723
Read Time: 8 mins
Aftermath (Part 1)
In which the world is blurry and hurtful
3 mins
Words: 624
Read Time: 3 mins