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dear you (part three)
dear you (part three)

dear you (part three)

Sentimental_creature♥ ᵍ๏вℓ𝓲ℕ ♥
1 Review

dear you.

you- you complete me.

curtis curtis curtis curtis. just typing your name makes me grin.

you are phenomenal and i know you say you're not perfect but you're pretty close. the closest i've ever seen to perfection.




we have had our ups and we've had our downs but no relationship is completely good. otherwise it would be fake.

i don't want a perfect boyfriend. i want a emotional, human boyfriend who makes mistakes and who gets angry and upset and says that he loves me.

that's you. i don't want a robot who doesn't make mistakes.

robots don't have your lips to kiss, your hands to hold, your smile to fall in love with over and over again.

i want you for you and i hope you'll accept me for me.

i'm very far from perfect. i struggle with bad eating habits and worse sleep schedules but you don't seem to care.

somehow you've pushed passed my ugliness and you've revealed something different.

when i'm with you

i feel beautiful

and special

and loved

more than i ever have.

thank you for putting up with me. i'm sorry if i'm clingy but you signed up for it by going out with me.

i don't plan on letting you go.

i love you more than you could ever imagine, curtis. don't ever forget it. please.


Author Notes: i hope you have a wonderful day. to the one this is for and to any who read this. <3 <3

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♥ ᵍ๏вℓ𝓲ℕ ♥
About This Story
16 Mar, 2021
Read Time
1 min
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5.0 (1 review)

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